Source code for ontolearn.base._base

import logging
from datetime import date, datetime
from enum import Enum, auto
from itertools import chain
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Iterable, Set, Final, List

import owlready2
from owlapy.class_expression import OWLClassExpression, OWLThing, OWLClass, OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom
from owlapy.iri import IRI
from owlapy.owl_axiom import OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom, OWLAxiom, OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom, \
    OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom, OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom, OWLClassAxiom, OWLSubClassOfAxiom, OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom
from owlapy.owl_individual import OWLNamedIndividual
from owlapy.owl_literal import DoubleOWLDatatype, OWLLiteral, BooleanOWLDatatype, IntegerOWLDatatype, DateOWLDatatype, \
    DateTimeOWLDatatype, DurationOWLDatatype, StringOWLDatatype
from owlapy.owl_ontology import OWLOntologyID, OWLOntology
from owlapy.owl_ontology_manager import OWLOntologyManager, OWLOntologyChange, AddImport
from owlapy.owl_property import OWLDataProperty, OWLObjectPropertyExpression, OWLObjectInverseOf, OWLObjectProperty
from owlready2 import declare_datatype
from pandas import Timedelta

from owlapy.converter import Owl2SparqlConverter
from ontolearn.base import axioms
from owlapy import namespaces
from ontolearn.base.ext import OWLReasonerEx
from ontolearn.base.utils import FromOwlready2

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_Datatype_map: Final = MappingProxyType({
    int: IntegerOWLDatatype,
    float: DoubleOWLDatatype,
    bool: BooleanOWLDatatype,
    str: StringOWLDatatype,
    date: DateOWLDatatype,
    datetime: DateTimeOWLDatatype,
    Timedelta: DurationOWLDatatype,

_parse_concept_to_owlapy = FromOwlready2().map_concept
_parse_datarange_to_owlapy = FromOwlready2().map_datarange

_VERSION_IRI: Final = IRI.create(namespaces.OWL, "versionIRI")

def _parse_duration_datatype(literal: str):
    return Timedelta(literal)

def _unparse_duration_datatype(literal: Timedelta):
    return literal.isoformat()

declare_datatype(Timedelta, IRI.create(namespaces.XSD, "duration").as_str(),
                 _parse_duration_datatype, _unparse_duration_datatype)

class BaseReasoner_Owlready2(Enum):
    """Enumeration class for base reasoner when calling sync_reasoner.

        PELLET: Pellet base reasoner.
        HERMIT: HermiT base reasoner.
    PELLET = auto()
    HERMIT = auto()

class OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2(OWLOntologyManager):
    __slots__ = '_world'

    _world: owlready2.namespace.World

    def __init__(self, world_store=None):
        """Ontology manager in Ontolearn.
        Creates a world where ontology is loaded.
        Used to make changes in the ontology.

            world_store: The file name of the world store. Leave to default value to create a new world.
        if world_store is None:
            self._world = owlready2.World()
            self._world = owlready2.World(filename=world_store)

[docs] def create_ontology(self, iri: IRI) -> 'OWLOntology_Owlready2': return OWLOntology_Owlready2(self, iri, load=False)
[docs] def load_ontology(self, iri: IRI) -> 'OWLOntology_Owlready2': return OWLOntology_Owlready2(self, iri, load=True)
[docs] def apply_change(self, change: OWLOntologyChange): if isinstance(change, AddImport): ont_x: owlready2.namespace.Ontology = self._world.get_ontology( change.get_ontology().get_ontology_id().get_ontology_iri().as_str()) ont_x.imported_ontologies.append( self._world.get_ontology(change.get_import_declaration().str)) else: # TODO XXX raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_axiom(self, ontology: OWLOntology, axiom: OWLAxiom): axioms._add_axiom(axiom, ontology, self._world)
[docs] def remove_axiom(self, ontology: OWLOntology, axiom: OWLAxiom): axioms._remove_axiom(axiom, ontology, self._world)
[docs] def save_ontology(self, ontology: OWLOntology, document_iri: IRI): ont_x: owlready2.namespace.Ontology = self._world.get_ontology( ontology.get_ontology_id().get_ontology_iri().as_str() ) if document_iri.get_namespace().startswith('file:/'): filename = document_iri.as_str()[len('file:/'):] else: # TODO XXX raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save_world(self): """Saves the actual state of the quadstore in the SQLite3 file. """
class OWLOntology_Owlready2(OWLOntology): __slots__ = '_manager', '_iri', '_world', '_onto' _manager: OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2 _onto: owlready2.Ontology _world: owlready2.World def __init__(self, manager: OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2, ontology_iri: IRI, load: bool): """Represents an Ontology in Ontolearn. Args: manager: Ontology manager. ontology_iri: IRI of the ontology. load: Whether to load the ontology or not. """ self._manager = manager self._iri = ontology_iri self._world = manager._world onto = self._world.get_ontology(ontology_iri.as_str()) if load: onto = onto.load() self._onto = onto
[docs] def classes_in_signature(self) -> Iterable[OWLClass]: for c in self._onto.classes(): yield OWLClass(IRI.create(c.iri))
[docs] def data_properties_in_signature(self) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: for dp in self._onto.data_properties(): yield OWLDataProperty(IRI.create(dp.iri))
[docs] def object_properties_in_signature(self) -> Iterable[OWLObjectProperty]: for op in self._onto.object_properties(): yield OWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(op.iri))
[docs] def individuals_in_signature(self) -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: for i in self._onto.individuals(): yield OWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(i.iri))
[docs] def equivalent_classes_axioms(self, c: OWLClass) -> Iterable[OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom]: c_x: owlready2.ThingClass = self._world[c.str] # TODO: Should this also return EquivalentClasses general class axioms? Compare to java owlapi for ec_x in c_x.equivalent_to: yield OWLEquivalentClassesAxiom([c, _parse_concept_to_owlapy(ec_x)])
[docs] def general_class_axioms(self) -> Iterable[OWLClassAxiom]: # TODO: At the moment owlready2 only supports SubClassOf general class axioms. (18.02.2023) for ca in self._onto.general_class_axioms(): yield from (OWLSubClassOfAxiom(_parse_concept_to_owlapy(ca.left_side), _parse_concept_to_owlapy(c)) for c in ca.is_a)
[docs] def get_owl_ontology_manager(self) -> OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2: return self._manager
[docs] def get_ontology_id(self) -> OWLOntologyID: onto_iri = self._world._unabbreviate(self._onto.storid) look_version = self._world._get_obj_triple_sp_o( self._onto.storid, self._world._abbreviate(_VERSION_IRI.as_str())) if look_version is not None: version_iri = self._world._unabbreviate(look_version) else: version_iri = None return OWLOntologyID(IRI.create(onto_iri) if onto_iri is not None else None, IRI.create(version_iri) if version_iri is not None else None)
[docs] def data_property_domain_axioms(self, pe: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable[OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom]: p_x: owlready2.DataPropertyClass = self._world[pe.str] domains = set(p_x.domains_indirect()) if len(domains) == 0: yield OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom(pe, OWLThing) else: for dom in domains: if isinstance(dom, (owlready2.ThingClass, owlready2.ClassConstruct)): yield OWLDataPropertyDomainAxiom(pe, _parse_concept_to_owlapy(dom)) else: logger.warning("Construct %s not implemented at %s", dom, pe) pass # XXX TODO
[docs] def data_property_range_axioms(self, pe: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable[OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom]: p_x: owlready2.DataPropertyClass = self._world[pe.str] ranges = set(chain.from_iterable(super_prop.range for super_prop in p_x.ancestors())) if len(ranges) == 0: pass # TODO else: for rng in ranges: if rng in _Datatype_map: yield OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom(pe, _Datatype_map[rng]) elif isinstance(rng, owlready2.ClassConstruct): yield OWLDataPropertyRangeAxiom(pe, _parse_datarange_to_owlapy(rng)) else: logger.warning("Datatype %s not implemented at %s", rng, pe) pass # XXX TODO
[docs] def object_property_domain_axioms(self, pe: OWLObjectProperty) -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom]: p_x: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[pe.str] domains = set(p_x.domains_indirect()) if len(domains) == 0: yield OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom(pe, OWLThing) else: for dom in domains: if isinstance(dom, (owlready2.ThingClass, owlready2.ClassConstruct)): yield OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom(pe, _parse_concept_to_owlapy(dom)) else: logger.warning("Construct %s not implemented at %s", dom, pe) pass # XXX TODO
[docs] def object_property_range_axioms(self, pe: OWLObjectProperty) -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom]: p_x: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[pe.str] ranges = set(chain.from_iterable(super_prop.range for super_prop in p_x.ancestors())) if len(ranges) == 0: yield OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom(pe, OWLThing) else: for rng in ranges: if isinstance(rng, (owlready2.ThingClass, owlready2.ClassConstruct)): yield OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom(pe, _parse_concept_to_owlapy(rng)) else: logger.warning("Construct %s not implemented at %s", rng, pe) pass # XXX TODO
[docs] def get_original_iri(self): """Get the IRI argument that was used to create this ontology.""" return self._iri
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) == type(self): return self._onto.loaded == other._onto.loaded and self._onto.base_iri == other._onto.base_iri return NotImplemented
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(self._onto.base_iri)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return f'OWLOntology_Owlready2({IRI.create(self._onto.base_iri)}, {self._onto.loaded})'
class OWLReasoner_Owlready2(OWLReasonerEx): __slots__ = '_ontology', '_world' _ontology: OWLOntology_Owlready2 _world: owlready2.World def __init__(self, ontology: OWLOntology_Owlready2, isolate: bool = False): """ Base reasoner in Ontolearn, used to reason in the given ontology. Args: ontology: The ontology that should be used by the reasoner. isolate: Whether to isolate the reasoner in a new world + copy of the original ontology. Useful if you create multiple reasoner instances in the same script. """ super().__init__(ontology) assert isinstance(ontology, OWLOntology_Owlready2) self._owl2sparql_converter = Owl2SparqlConverter() if isolate: self._isolated = True new_manager = OWLOntologyManager_Owlready2() self._ontology = new_manager.load_ontology(ontology.get_original_iri()) self._world = new_manager._world print("INFO OWLReasoner :: Using isolated ontology\n" "INFO OWLReasoner :: Changes you make in the original ontology won't be reflected to the isolated" " ontology\n" "INFO OWLReasoner :: To make changes on the isolated ontology use the method " "`update_isolated_ontology()`") else: self._isolated = False self._ontology = ontology self._world = ontology._world
[docs] def update_isolated_ontology(self, axioms_to_add: List[OWLAxiom] = None, axioms_to_remove: List[OWLAxiom] = None): """ Add or remove axioms to the isolated ontology that the reasoner is using. Args: axioms_to_add (List[OWLAxiom]): Axioms to add to the isolated ontology. axioms_to_remove (List[OWLAxiom]): Axioms to remove from the isolated ontology. """ if self._isolated: if axioms_to_add is None and axioms_to_remove is None: raise ValueError(f"At least one argument should be specified in method: " f"{self.update_isolated_ontology.__name__}") manager = self._ontology.get_owl_ontology_manager() if axioms_to_add is not None: for axiom in axioms_to_add: manager.add_axiom(self._ontology, axiom) if axioms_to_remove is not None: for axiom in axioms_to_remove: manager.remove_axiom(self._ontology, axiom) else: raise AssertionError(f"Misuse of method '{self.update_isolated_ontology.__name__}'. The reasoner is not " f"using an isolated ontology.")
[docs] def data_property_domains(self, pe: OWLDataProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: domains = {d.get_domain() for d in self.get_root_ontology().data_property_domain_axioms(pe)} super_domains = set(chain.from_iterable([self.super_classes(d) for d in domains])) yield from domains - super_domains if not direct: yield from super_domains
[docs] def object_property_domains(self, pe: OWLObjectProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: domains = {d.get_domain() for d in self.get_root_ontology().object_property_domain_axioms(pe)} super_domains = set(chain.from_iterable([self.super_classes(d) for d in domains])) yield from domains - super_domains if not direct: yield from super_domains
[docs] def object_property_ranges(self, pe: OWLObjectProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: ranges = {r.get_range() for r in self.get_root_ontology().object_property_range_axioms(pe)} super_ranges = set(chain.from_iterable([self.super_classes(d) for d in ranges])) yield from ranges - super_ranges if not direct: yield from super_ranges
[docs] def equivalent_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, only_named: bool = True) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: seen_set = {ce} if isinstance(ce, OWLClass): c_x: owlready2.ThingClass = self._world[ce.str] for eq_x in c_x.INDIRECT_equivalent_to: eq = _parse_concept_to_owlapy(eq_x) if (isinstance(eq, OWLClass) or (isinstance(eq, OWLClassExpression) and not only_named)) and eq not in seen_set: seen_set.add(eq) yield eq # Workaround for problems in owlready2. It does not always recognize equivalent complex class # expressions through INDIRECT_equivalent_to. Maybe it will work as soon as owlready2 adds support for # EquivalentClasses general class axioms. if not only_named and isinstance(eq_x, owlready2.ThingClass): for eq_2_x in eq_x.equivalent_to: eq_2 = _parse_concept_to_owlapy(eq_2_x) if eq_2 not in seen_set: seen_set.add(eq_2) yield eq_2 elif isinstance(ce, OWLClassExpression): # Extend as soon as owlready2 supports EquivalentClasses general class axioms # Slow but works. No better way to do this in owlready2 without using the reasoners at the moment. # Might be able to change this when owlready2 supports general class axioms for EquivalentClasses. for c in self._ontology.classes_in_signature(): if ce in self.equivalent_classes(c, only_named=False) and c not in seen_set: seen_set.add(c) yield c for e_c in self.equivalent_classes(c, only_named=False): if e_c not in seen_set and (not only_named or isinstance(e_c, OWLClass)): seen_set.add(e_c) yield e_c else: raise ValueError(f'Equivalent classes not implemented for: {ce}')
def _find_disjoint_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, only_named: bool = True, seen_set=None): if isinstance(ce, OWLClass): c_x: owlready2.ThingClass = self._world[ce.str] for d_x in chain.from_iterable(map(lambda d: d.entities, c_x.disjoints())): if d_x != c_x and (isinstance(d_x, owlready2.ThingClass) or (isinstance(d_x, owlready2.ClassConstruct) and not only_named)): d_owlapy = _parse_concept_to_owlapy(d_x) seen_set.add(d_owlapy) yield d_owlapy for c in self.equivalent_classes(d_owlapy, only_named=only_named): if c not in seen_set: seen_set.add(c) yield c for c in self.sub_classes(d_owlapy, only_named=only_named): if c not in seen_set: seen_set.add(c) yield c elif isinstance(ce, OWLClassExpression): # Extend as soon as owlready2 supports DisjointClasses general class axioms # Slow but works. No better way to do this in owlready2 without using the reasoners at the moment. # Might be able to change this when owlready2 supports general class axioms for DjsjointClasses yield from (c for c in self._ontology.classes_in_signature() if ce in self.disjoint_classes(c, False)) else: raise ValueError(f'Equivalent classes not implemented for: {ce}')
[docs] def disjoint_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, only_named: bool = True) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: seen_set = set() yield from self._find_disjoint_classes(ce, only_named, seen_set) for c in self.super_classes(ce, only_named=only_named): if c != OWLClass(IRI('', 'Thing')): yield from self._find_disjoint_classes(c, only_named=only_named, seen_set=seen_set)
[docs] def different_individuals(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual) -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: i: owlready2.Thing = self._world[ind.str] yield from (OWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(d_i.iri)) for d_i in chain.from_iterable(map(lambda x: x.entities, i.differents())) if isinstance(d_i, owlready2.Thing) and i != d_i)
[docs] def same_individuals(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual) -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: i: owlready2.Thing = self._world[ind.str] yield from (OWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(d_i.iri)) for d_i in i.equivalent_to if isinstance(d_i, owlready2.Thing))
[docs] def data_property_values(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, pe: OWLDataProperty, direct: bool = True) \ -> Iterable[OWLLiteral]: i: owlready2.Thing = self._world[ind.str] p: owlready2.DataPropertyClass = self._world[pe.str] retrieval_func = p._get_values_for_individual if direct else p._get_indirect_values_for_individual for val in retrieval_func(i): yield OWLLiteral(val)
[docs] def all_data_property_values(self, pe: OWLDataProperty, direct: bool = True) -> Iterable[OWLLiteral]: p: owlready2.DataPropertyClass = self._world[pe.str] relations = p.get_relations() if not direct: indirect_relations = chain.from_iterable( map(lambda x: self._world[x.str].get_relations(), self.sub_data_properties(pe, direct=False))) relations = chain(relations, indirect_relations) for _, val in relations: yield OWLLiteral(val)
[docs] def object_property_values(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, pe: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, direct: bool = False) \ -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: if isinstance(pe, OWLObjectProperty): i: owlready2.Thing = self._world[ind.str] p: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[pe.str] # Recommended to use direct=False because _get_values_for_individual does not give consistent result # for the case when there are equivalent object properties. At least until this is fixed on owlready2. retieval_func = p._get_values_for_individual if direct else p._get_indirect_values_for_individual for val in retieval_func(i): yield OWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(val.iri)) elif isinstance(pe, OWLObjectInverseOf): p: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[pe.get_named_property().str] inverse_p = p.inverse_property # If the inverse property is explicitly defined we can take shortcut if inverse_p is not None: yield from self.object_property_values(ind, OWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(inverse_p.iri)), direct) else: if not direct: raise NotImplementedError('Indirect values of inverse properties are only implemented if the ' 'inverse property is explicitly defined in the ontology.' f'Property: {pe}') i: owlready2.Thing = self._world[ind.str] for val in p._get_inverse_values_for_individual(i): yield OWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(val.iri)) else: raise NotImplementedError(pe)
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def instances(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]: if direct: if isinstance(ce, OWLClass): c_x: owlready2.ThingClass = self._world[ce.str] for i in self._ontology._onto.get_instances_of(c_x): if isinstance(i, owlready2.Thing): yield OWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(i.iri)) else: raise NotImplementedError("instances for complex class expressions not implemented", ce) else: if ce.is_owl_thing(): yield from self._ontology.individuals_in_signature() elif isinstance(ce, OWLClass): c_x: owlready2.ThingClass = self._world[ce.str] for i in c_x.instances(world=self._world): if isinstance(i, owlready2.Thing): yield OWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(i.iri)) # elif isinstance(ce, OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom) and ce.get_filler().is_owl_thing()\ # and isinstance(ce.get_property(), OWLProperty): # seen_set = set() # p_x: owlready2.ObjectProperty = self._world[ce.get_property().get_named_property().str] # for i, _ in p_x.get_relations(): # if isinstance(i, owlready2.Thing) and i not in seen_set: # seen_set.add(i) # yield OWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(i.iri)) else: raise NotImplementedError("instances for complex class expressions not implemented", ce)
def _sub_classes_recursive(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, seen_set: Set, only_named: bool = True) \ -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: # work around issue in class equivalence detection in Owlready2 for c in [ce, *self.equivalent_classes(ce, only_named=False)]: if c not in seen_set: seen_set.add(c) yield c # First go through all general class axioms, they should only have complex classes as sub_classes. # Done for OWLClass and OWLClassExpression. for axiom in self._ontology.general_class_axioms(): if (isinstance(axiom, OWLSubClassOfAxiom) and axiom.get_super_class() == c and axiom.get_sub_class() not in seen_set): seen_set.add(axiom.get_sub_class()) if not only_named: yield axiom.get_sub_class() yield from self._sub_classes_recursive(axiom.get_sub_class(), seen_set, only_named) if isinstance(c, OWLClass): c_x: owlready2.EntityClass = self._world[c.str] # Subclasses will only return named classes for sc_x in c_x.subclasses(world=self._world): sc = _parse_concept_to_owlapy(sc_x) if isinstance(sc, OWLClass) and sc not in seen_set: seen_set.add(sc) yield sc yield from self._sub_classes_recursive(sc, seen_set, only_named=only_named) elif isinstance(c, OWLClassExpression): # Slow but works. No better way to do this in owlready2 without using the reasoners at the moment. for atomic_c in self._ontology.classes_in_signature(): if c in self.super_classes(atomic_c, direct=True, only_named=False) and atomic_c not in seen_set: seen_set.add(atomic_c) yield atomic_c yield from self._sub_classes_recursive(atomic_c, seen_set, only_named=only_named) if isinstance(ce, OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom): for r in self.sub_object_properties(ce.get_property()): osvf = OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(property=r, filler=ce.get_filler()) if osvf not in seen_set: seen_set.add(osvf) yield osvf # yield from self._sub_classes_recursive(osvf, seen_set, only_named=only_named) else: raise ValueError(f'Sub classes retrieval not implemented for: {ce}')
[docs] def sub_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, direct: bool = False, only_named: bool = True) \ -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: if not direct: seen_set = {ce} yield from self._sub_classes_recursive(ce, seen_set, only_named=only_named) else: # First go through all general class axioms, they should only have complex classes as sub_classes. # Done for OWLClass and OWLClassExpression. if not only_named: for axiom in self._ontology.general_class_axioms(): if isinstance(axiom, OWLSubClassOfAxiom) and axiom.get_super_class() == ce: yield axiom.get_sub_class() if isinstance(ce, OWLClass): c_x: owlready2.ThingClass = self._world[ce.str] # Subclasses will only return named classes for sc in c_x.subclasses(world=self._world): if isinstance(sc, owlready2.ThingClass): yield OWLClass(IRI.create(sc.iri)) elif isinstance(ce, OWLClassExpression): # Slow but works. No better way to do this in owlready2 without using the reasoners at the moment. for c in self._ontology.classes_in_signature(): if ce in self.super_classes(c, direct=True, only_named=False): yield c else: raise ValueError(f'Sub classes retrieval not implemented for: {ce}')
def _super_classes_recursive(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, seen_set: Set, only_named: bool = True) \ -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: # work around issue in class equivalence detection in Owlready2 for c in [ce, *self.equivalent_classes(ce, only_named=False)]: if c not in seen_set: seen_set.add(c) yield c if isinstance(c, OWLClass): c_x: owlready2.EntityClass = self._world[c.str] for sc_x in c_x.is_a: sc = _parse_concept_to_owlapy(sc_x) if (isinstance(sc, OWLClass) or isinstance(sc, OWLClassExpression)) and sc not in seen_set: seen_set.add(sc) # Return class expression if it is a named class or complex class expressions should be # included if isinstance(sc, OWLClass) or not only_named: yield sc yield from self._super_classes_recursive(sc, seen_set, only_named=only_named) elif isinstance(c, OWLClassExpression): for axiom in self._ontology.general_class_axioms(): if (isinstance(axiom, OWLSubClassOfAxiom) and axiom.get_sub_class() == c and (axiom.get_super_class() not in seen_set)): super_class = axiom.get_super_class() seen_set.add(super_class) # Return class expression if it is a named class or complex class expressions should be # included if isinstance(super_class, OWLClass) or not only_named: yield super_class yield from self._super_classes_recursive(super_class, seen_set, only_named=only_named) # Slow but works. No better way to do this in owlready2 without using the reasoners at the moment. for atomic_c in self._ontology.classes_in_signature(): if c in self.sub_classes(atomic_c, direct=True, only_named=False) and atomic_c not in seen_set: seen_set.add(atomic_c) yield atomic_c yield from self._super_classes_recursive(atomic_c, seen_set, only_named=only_named) else: raise ValueError(f'Super classes retrieval not supported for: {ce}')
[docs] def super_classes(self, ce: OWLClassExpression, direct: bool = False, only_named: bool = True) \ -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: if not direct: seen_set = {ce} yield from self._super_classes_recursive(ce, seen_set, only_named=only_named) else: if isinstance(ce, OWLClass): c_x: owlready2.ThingClass = self._world[ce.str] for sc in c_x.is_a: if (isinstance(sc, owlready2.ThingClass) or (not only_named and isinstance(sc, owlready2.ClassConstruct))): yield _parse_concept_to_owlapy(sc) elif isinstance(ce, OWLClassExpression): seen_set = set() for axiom in self._ontology.general_class_axioms(): if (isinstance(axiom, OWLSubClassOfAxiom) and axiom.get_sub_class() == ce and (not only_named or isinstance(axiom.get_super_class(), OWLClass))): seen_set.add(axiom.get_super_class()) yield axiom.get_super_class() # Slow but works. No better way to do this in owlready2 without using the reasoners at the moment. # TODO: Might not be needed, in theory the general class axioms above should cover all classes # that can be found here for c in self._ontology.classes_in_signature(): if ce in self.sub_classes(c, direct=True, only_named=False) and c not in seen_set: seen_set.add(c) yield c else: raise ValueError(f'Super classes retrieval not supported for {ce}')
[docs] def equivalent_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression) -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: if isinstance(op, OWLObjectProperty): p_x: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[op.str] yield from (OWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(ep_x.iri)) for ep_x in p_x.INDIRECT_equivalent_to if isinstance(ep_x, owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass)) else: raise NotImplementedError("equivalent properties of inverse properties not yet implemented", op)
[docs] def equivalent_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: p_x: owlready2.DataPropertyClass = self._world[dp.str] yield from (OWLDataProperty(IRI.create(ep_x.iri)) for ep_x in p_x.INDIRECT_equivalent_to if isinstance(ep_x, owlready2.DataPropertyClass))
def _find_disjoint_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, seen_set=None) \ -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: if isinstance(op, OWLObjectProperty): p_x: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[op.str] ont_x: owlready2.Ontology = self.get_root_ontology()._onto for disjoint in ont_x.disjoint_properties(): if p_x in disjoint.entities: for o_p in disjoint.entities: if isinstance(o_p, owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass) and o_p != p_x: op_owlapy = OWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(o_p.iri)) seen_set.add(op_owlapy) yield op_owlapy for o in self.equivalent_object_properties(op_owlapy): if o not in seen_set: seen_set.add(o) yield o for o in self.sub_object_properties(op_owlapy): if o not in seen_set: seen_set.add(o) yield o else: raise NotImplementedError("disjoint object properties of inverse properties not yet implemented", op)
[docs] def disjoint_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression) -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: seen_set = set() yield from self._find_disjoint_object_properties(op, seen_set) for o in self.super_object_properties(op): if o != OWLObjectProperty(IRI('', 'ObjectProperty')): yield from self._find_disjoint_object_properties(o, seen_set=seen_set)
def _find_disjoint_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty, seen_set=None) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: p_x: owlready2.DataPropertyClass = self._world[dp.str] ont_x: owlready2.Ontology = self.get_root_ontology()._onto for disjoint in ont_x.disjoint_properties(): if p_x in disjoint.entities: for d_p in disjoint.entities: if isinstance(d_p, owlready2.DataPropertyClass) and d_p != p_x: dp_owlapy = OWLDataProperty(IRI.create(d_p.iri)) seen_set.add(dp_owlapy) yield dp_owlapy for d in self.equivalent_data_properties(dp_owlapy): if d not in seen_set: seen_set.add(d) yield d for d in self.sub_data_properties(dp_owlapy): if d not in seen_set: seen_set.add(d) yield d
[docs] def disjoint_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: seen_set = set() yield from self._find_disjoint_data_properties(dp, seen_set) for d in self.super_data_properties(dp): if d != OWLDataProperty(IRI('', 'DatatypeProperty')): yield from self._find_disjoint_data_properties(d, seen_set=seen_set)
def _sup_or_sub_data_properties_recursive(self, dp: OWLDataProperty, seen_set: Set, super_or_sub="") \ -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: for d in self.equivalent_data_properties(dp): if d not in seen_set: seen_set.add(d) yield d p_x: owlready2.DataPropertyClass = self._world[dp.str] assert isinstance(p_x, owlready2.DataPropertyClass) if super_or_sub == "super": dps = set(p_x.is_a) else: dps = set(p_x.subclasses(world=self._world)) for sp_x in dps: if isinstance(sp_x, owlready2.DataPropertyClass): sp = OWLDataProperty(IRI.create(sp_x.iri)) if sp not in seen_set: seen_set.add(sp) yield sp yield from self._sup_or_sub_data_properties_recursive(sp, seen_set, super_or_sub) def _sup_or_sub_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty, direct: bool = False, super_or_sub=""): assert isinstance(dp, OWLDataProperty) if direct: p_x: owlready2.DataPropertyClass = self._world[dp.str] if super_or_sub == "super": dps = set(p_x.is_a) else: dps = set(p_x.subclasses(world=self._world)) for sp in dps: if isinstance(sp, owlready2.DataPropertyClass): yield OWLDataProperty(IRI.create(sp.iri)) else: seen_set = set() yield from self._sup_or_sub_data_properties_recursive(dp, seen_set, super_or_sub)
[docs] def super_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: """Gets the stream of data properties that are the strict (potentially direct) super properties of the specified data property with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Args: dp (OWLDataProperty): The data property whose super properties are to be retrieved. direct (bool): Specifies if the direct super properties should be retrieved (True) or if the all super properties (ancestors) should be retrieved (False). Returns: Iterable of super properties. """ yield from self._sup_or_sub_data_properties(dp, direct, "super")
[docs] def sub_data_properties(self, dp: OWLDataProperty, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLDataProperty]: yield from self._sup_or_sub_data_properties(dp, direct, "sub")
def _sup_or_sub_object_properties_recursive(self, op: OWLObjectProperty, seen_set: Set, super_or_sub=""): for o in self.equivalent_object_properties(op): if o not in seen_set: seen_set.add(o) yield o p_x: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[op.str] assert isinstance(p_x, owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass) if super_or_sub == "super": dps = set(p_x.is_a) else: dps = set(p_x.subclasses(world=self._world)) for sp_x in dps: if isinstance(sp_x, owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass): sp = OWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(sp_x.iri)) if sp not in seen_set: seen_set.add(sp) yield sp yield from self._sup_or_sub_object_properties_recursive(sp, seen_set, super_or_sub) def _sup_or_sub_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, direct: bool = False, super_or_sub="") \ -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: if isinstance(op, OWLObjectProperty): if direct: p_x: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[op.str] if super_or_sub == "super": dps = set(p_x.is_a) else: dps = set(p_x.subclasses(world=self._world)) for sp in dps: if isinstance(sp, owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass): yield OWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(sp.iri)) else: seen_set = set() yield from self._sup_or_sub_object_properties_recursive(op, seen_set, super_or_sub) elif isinstance(op, OWLObjectInverseOf): p: owlready2.ObjectPropertyClass = self._world[op.get_named_property().str] inverse_p = p.inverse_property if inverse_p is not None: yield from self._sup_or_sub_object_properties(OWLObjectProperty(IRI.create(inverse_p.iri)), direct, super_or_sub) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'{super_or_sub} properties of inverse properties are only implemented if the' ' inverse property is explicitly defined in the ontology. ' f'Property: {op}') else: raise NotImplementedError(op)
[docs] def super_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, direct: bool = False) \ -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: """Gets the stream of object properties that are the strict (potentially direct) super properties of the specified object property with respect to the imports closure of the root ontology. Args: op (OWLObjectPropertyExpression): The object property expression whose super properties are to be retrieved. direct (bool): Specifies if the direct super properties should be retrieved (True) or if the all super properties (ancestors) should be retrieved (False). Returns: Iterable of super properties. """ yield from self._sup_or_sub_object_properties(op, direct, "super")
[docs] def sub_object_properties(self, op: OWLObjectPropertyExpression, direct: bool = False) \ -> Iterable[OWLObjectPropertyExpression]: yield from self._sup_or_sub_object_properties(op, direct, "sub")
[docs] def types(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, direct: bool = False) -> Iterable[OWLClass]: i: owlready2.Thing = self._world[ind.str] if direct: for c in i.is_a: if isinstance(c, owlready2.ThingClass): yield OWLClass(IRI.create(c.iri)) # Anonymous classes are ignored else: for c in i.INDIRECT_is_a: if isinstance(c, owlready2.ThingClass): yield OWLClass(IRI.create(c.iri))
# Anonymous classes are ignored def _sync_reasoner(self, other_reasoner: BaseReasoner_Owlready2 = None, infer_property_values: bool = True, infer_data_property_values: bool = True, debug: bool = False) -> None: """Call Owlready2's sync_reasoner method, which spawns a Java process on a temp file to infer more. Args: other_reasoner: Set to BaseReasoner.PELLET (default) or BaseReasoner.HERMIT. infer_property_values: Whether to infer property values. infer_data_property_values: Whether to infer data property values (only for PELLET). """ assert other_reasoner is None or isinstance(other_reasoner, BaseReasoner_Owlready2) with self.get_root_ontology()._onto: if other_reasoner == BaseReasoner_Owlready2.HERMIT: owlready2.sync_reasoner_hermit(self._world, infer_property_values=infer_property_values, debug=debug) else: owlready2.sync_reasoner_pellet(self._world, infer_property_values=infer_property_values, infer_data_property_values=infer_data_property_values, debug=debug)
[docs] def get_root_ontology(self) -> OWLOntology: return self._ontology
[docs] def is_isolated(self): """Return True if this reasoner is using an isolated ontology.""" return self._isolated
[docs] def is_using_triplestore(self): # TODO: Deprecated! Remove after it is removed from OWLReasoner in owlapy pass