Source code for ontolearn.abstracts

"""The main abstract classes."""

import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Set, List, Tuple, Iterable, TypeVar, Generic, ClassVar, Optional
from owlapy.class_expression import OWLClassExpression
from owlapy.owl_ontology import OWLOntology
from owlapy.util import iter_count
from .data_struct import Experience
from .utils import read_csv
from collections import OrderedDict

_N = TypeVar('_N')  #:
_KB = TypeVar('_KB', bound='AbstractKnowledgeBase')  #:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# @TODO:CD: Each Class definiton in should share a prefix, e.g., BaseX or AbstractX.
# @TODO:CD: All imports must be located on top of the script
from owlapy import owl_expression_to_dl
[docs] class EncodedLearningProblem(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Encoded Abstract learning problem for use in Scorers.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] class EncodedPosNegLPStandardKind(EncodedLearningProblem, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Encoded Abstract learning problem following pos-neg lp standard.""" __slots__ = ()
# @TODO: Why we need Generic[_N] and if we need it why we di not use it in all other abstract classes?
[docs] class AbstractScorer(Generic[_N], metaclass=ABCMeta): """ An abstract class for quality functions. """ __slots__ = () name: ClassVar[str] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new quality function.""" pass
[docs] def score_elp(self, instances: set, learning_problem: EncodedLearningProblem) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[float]]: """Quality score for a set of instances with regard to the learning problem. Args: instances (set): Instances to calculate a quality score for. learning_problem: Underlying learning problem to compare the quality to. Returns: Tuple, first position indicating if the function could be applied, second position the quality value in the range 0.0--1.0. """ if len(instances) == 0: return False, 0 # @TODO: It must be moved to the top of the from ontolearn.learning_problem import EncodedPosNegLPStandard if isinstance(learning_problem, EncodedPosNegLPStandard): tp = len(learning_problem.kb_pos.intersection(instances)) tn = len(learning_problem.kb_neg.difference(instances)) fp = len(learning_problem.kb_neg.intersection(instances)) fn = len(learning_problem.kb_pos.difference(instances)) return self.score2(tp=tp, tn=tn, fp=fp, fn=fn) else: raise NotImplementedError(learning_problem)
[docs] @abstractmethod def score2(self, tp: int, fn: int, fp: int, tn: int) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[float]]: """Quality score for a coverage count. Args: tp: True positive count. fn: False negative count. fp: False positive count. tn: True negative count. Returns: Tuple, first position indicating if the function could be applied, second position the quality value in the range 0.0--1.0. """ pass
# @TODO:CD: Why there is '..' in AbstractNode
[docs] def apply(self, node: 'AbstractNode', instances, learning_problem: EncodedLearningProblem) -> bool: """Apply the quality function to a search tree node after calculating the quality score on the given instances. Args: node: search tree node to set the quality on. instances (set): Instances to calculate the quality for. learning_problem: Underlying learning problem to compare the quality to. Returns: True if the quality function was applied successfully """ assert isinstance(learning_problem, EncodedLearningProblem), \ f'Expected EncodedLearningProblem but got {type(learning_problem)}' assert isinstance(node, AbstractNode), \ f'Expected AbstractNode but got {type(node)}' # @TODO: It must be moved to the top of the from import _NodeQuality assert isinstance(node, _NodeQuality), \ f'Expected _NodeQuality but got {type(_NodeQuality)}' ret, q = self.score_elp(instances, learning_problem) if q is not None: node.quality = q return ret
[docs] class AbstractHeuristic(Generic[_N], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract base class for heuristic functions. Heuristic functions can guide the search process.""" __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Create a new heuristic function.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def apply(self, node: _N, instances, learning_problem: EncodedLearningProblem): """Apply the heuristic on a search tree node and set its heuristic property to the calculated value. Args: node: Node to set the heuristic on. instances (set, optional): Set of instances covered by this node. learning_problem: Underlying learning problem to compare the heuristic to. """ pass
[docs] class AbstractFitness(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract base class for fitness functions. Fitness functions guide the evolutionary process.""" __slots__ = () name: ClassVar[str] @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Create a new fitness function.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def apply(self, individual): """Apply the fitness function on an individual and set its fitness attribute to the calculated value. Args: individual: Individual to set the fitness on. """ pass
[docs] class BaseRefinement(Generic[_N], metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for Refinement Operators. Let C, D \\in N_c where N_c os a finite set of concepts. * Proposition 3.3 (Complete and Finite Refinement Operators) [1] * ρ(C) = {C ⊓ T} ∪ {D \\| D is not empty AND D \\sqset C} * The operator is finite, * The operator is complete as given a concept C, we can reach an arbitrary concept D such that D subset of C. *) Theoretical Foundations of Refinement Operators [1]. *) Defining a top-down refimenent operator that is a proper is crutial. 4.1.3 Achieving Properness [1] *) Figure 4.1 [1] defines of the refinement operator. [1] Learning OWL Class Expressions. Attributes: kb (AbstractKnowledgeBase): The knowledge base used by this refinement operator. """ __slots__ = 'kb' kb: _KB @abstractmethod def __init__(self, knowledge_base: _KB): """Construct a new base refinement operator. Args: knowledge_base: Knowledge base to operate on. """ self.kb = knowledge_base
[docs] @abstractmethod def refine(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Iterable[OWLClassExpression]: """Refine a given concept. Args: ce (OWLClassExpression): Concept to refine. Returns: New refined concepts. """ pass
[docs] def len(self, concept: OWLClassExpression) -> int: """The length of a concept. Args: concept: The concept to measure the length for. Returns: Length of concept according to some metric configured in the knowledge base. """ return self.kb.concept_len(concept)
[docs] class AbstractNode(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract search tree node.""" __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Create an abstract search tree node.""" pass
[docs] def __str__(self): """String representation of node, by default its internal memory address.""" addr = hex(id(self)) addr = addr[0:2] + addr[6:-1] return f'{type(self)} at {addr}'
[docs] def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] class AbstractOEHeuristicNode(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract Node for the CELOEHeuristic heuristic function. This node must support quality, horizontal expansion (h_exp), is_root, parent_node and refinement_count. """ __slots__ = () @property @abstractmethod def quality(self) -> Optional[float]: """Get the quality of the node. Returns: Quality of the node. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def h_exp(self) -> int: """Get horizontal expansion. Returns: Horizontal expansion. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def is_root(self) -> bool: """Is this the root node? Returns: True if this is the root node, otherwise False. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def parent_node(self: _N) -> Optional[_N]: """Get the parent node. Returns: Parent node. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def refinement_count(self) -> int: """Get the refinement count for this node. Returns: Refinement count. """ pass @property @abstractmethod def heuristic(self) -> Optional[float]: """Get the heuristic value. Returns: Heuristic value. """ pass @heuristic.setter @abstractmethod def heuristic(self, v: float): """Set the heuristic value.""" pass
[docs] class AbstractConceptNode(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract search tree node which has a concept.""" __slots__ = () @property @abstractmethod def concept(self) -> OWLClassExpression: """Get the concept representing this node. Returns: The concept representing this node. """ pass
[docs] class AbstractKnowledgeBase(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract knowledge base.""" __slots__ = () # CD: This function is used as "a get method". Insteadf either access the atttribute directly # or use it as a property @abstractmethod
[docs] def ontology(self) -> OWLOntology: """The base ontology of this knowledge base.""" pass
[docs] def describe(self) -> None: """Print a short description of the Knowledge Base to the info logger output.""" properties_count = iter_count(self.ontology.object_properties_in_signature()) + iter_count( self.ontology.data_properties_in_signature())'Number of named classes: {iter_count(self.ontology.classes_in_signature())}\n' f'Number of individuals: {self.individuals_count()}\n' f'Number of properties: {properties_count}')
[docs] @abstractmethod def clean(self) -> None: """This method should reset any caches and statistics in the knowledge base.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def individuals_count(self) -> int: """Total number of individuals in this knowledge base.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def individuals_set(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Set: """Encode an individual, an iterable of individuals or the individuals that are instances of a given concept into a set. Args: arg (OWLNamedIndividual): Individual to encode. arg (Iterable[OWLNamedIndividual]): Individuals to encode. arg (OWLClassExpression): Encode individuals that are instances of this concept. Returns: Encoded set representation of individual(s). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def concept_len(self, ce: OWLClassExpression) -> int: """Calculate the length of a concept. Args: ce: The concept to measure the length for. Returns: Length of concept. """ pass
[docs] class AbstractLearningProblem(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract learning problem.""" __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new abstract learning problem.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def encode_kb(self, knowledge_base: AbstractKnowledgeBase) -> 'EncodedLearningProblem': """Encode the learning problem into the knowledge base.""" pass
[docs] class LBLSearchTree(Generic[_N], metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract search tree for the Length based learner."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_most_promising(self) -> _N: """Find most "promising" node in the search tree that should be refined next. Returns: Most promising search tree node. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_node(self, node: _N, parent_node: _N, kb_learning_problem: EncodedLearningProblem): """Add a node to the search tree. Args: node: Node to add. parent_node: Parent of that node. kb_learning_problem: Underlying learning problem to compare the quality to. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def clean(self): """Reset the search tree state.""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_top_n(self, n: int) -> List[_N]: """Retrieve the best n search tree nodes. Args: n: Maximum number of nodes. Returns: List of top n search tree nodes. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def show_search_tree(self, root_concept: OWLClassExpression, heading_step: str): """Debugging function to print the search tree to standard output. Args: root_concept: The tree is printed starting from this search tree node. heading_step: Message to print at top of the output. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_root(self, node: _N, kb_learning_problem: EncodedLearningProblem): """Add the root node to the search tree. Args: node: Root node to add. kb_learning_problem: Underlying learning problem to compare the quality to. """ pass
[docs] class DepthAbstractDrill: """ Abstract class for Convolutional DQL concept learning. """ def __init__(self, path_of_embeddings, reward_func, learning_rate=None, num_episode=None, num_episodes_per_replay=None, epsilon=None, num_of_sequential_actions=None, max_len_replay_memory=None, representation_mode=None, batch_size=None, epsilon_decay=None, epsilon_min=None, num_epochs_per_replay=None, num_workers=None, verbose=0): = 'DRILL' self.instance_embeddings = read_csv(path_of_embeddings) if not self.instance_embeddings: print("No embeddings found") self.embedding_dim = None else: self.embedding_dim = self.instance_embeddings.shape[1] self.reward_func = reward_func self.representation_mode = representation_mode assert representation_mode in ['averaging', 'sampling'] # Will be filled by child class self.heuristic_func = None self.num_workers = num_workers # constants self.epsilon = epsilon self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_episode = num_episode self.num_of_sequential_actions = num_of_sequential_actions self.num_epochs_per_replay = num_epochs_per_replay self.max_len_replay_memory = max_len_replay_memory self.epsilon_decay = epsilon_decay self.epsilon_min = epsilon_min self.batch_size = batch_size self.verbose = verbose self.num_episodes_per_replay = num_episodes_per_replay # will be filled self.optimizer = None # torch.optim.Adam(self.model_net.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate) self.seen_examples = dict() self.emb_pos, self.emb_neg = None, None self.start_time = None self.goal_found = False self.experiences = Experience(maxlen=self.max_len_replay_memory)
[docs] def attributes_sanity_checking_rl(self): assert len(self.instance_embeddings) > 0 assert self.embedding_dim > 0 if self.num_workers is None: self.num_workers = 4 if self.epsilon is None: self.epsilon = 1 if self.learning_rate is None: self.learning_rate = .001 if self.num_episode is None: self.num_episode = 1 if self.num_of_sequential_actions is None: self.num_of_sequential_actions = 3 if self.num_epochs_per_replay is None: self.num_epochs_per_replay = 1 if self.max_len_replay_memory is None: self.max_len_replay_memory = 256 if self.epsilon_decay is None: self.epsilon_decay = 0.01 if self.epsilon_min is None: self.epsilon_min = 0 if self.batch_size is None: self.batch_size = 1024 if self.verbose is None: self.verbose = 0 if self.num_episodes_per_replay is None: self.num_episodes_per_replay = 2
[docs] @abstractmethod def init_training(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize training for a given E+,E- and K. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def terminate_training(self): """ Save weights and training data after training phase. """
[docs] class DRILLAbstractTree: """Abstract Tree for DRILL.""" @abstractmethod def __init__(self): self._nodes = dict()
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self._nodes)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): return self._nodes[item]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, k, v): self._nodes[k] = v
[docs] def __iter__(self): for k, node in self._nodes.items(): yield node
[docs] def get_top_n_nodes(self, n: int, key='quality'): self.sort_search_tree_by_decreasing_order(key=key) for ith, dict_ in enumerate(self._nodes.items()): if ith >= n: break k, node = dict_ yield node
[docs] def redundancy_check(self, n): if n in self._nodes: return False return True
@property def nodes(self): return self._nodes
[docs] @abstractmethod def add(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def sort_search_tree_by_decreasing_order(self, *, key: str): if key == 'heuristic': sorted_x = sorted(self._nodes.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1].heuristic, reverse=True) elif key == 'quality': sorted_x = sorted(self._nodes.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1].quality, reverse=True) elif key == 'length': sorted_x = sorted(self._nodes.items(), key=lambda kv: len(kv[1]), reverse=True) else: raise ValueError('Wrong Key. Key must be heuristic, quality or concept_length') self._nodes = OrderedDict(sorted_x)
[docs] def best_hypotheses(self, n=10) -> List: assert self.search_tree is not None assert len(self.search_tree) > 1 return [i for i in self.search_tree.get_top_n_nodes(n)]
[docs] def show_search_tree(self, top_n=100): """ Show search tree. """ predictions = list(self.get_top_n_nodes(top_n)) print('######## Search Tree ###########\n') for ith, node in enumerate(predictions): print(f"{ith + 1}-\t{owl_expression_to_dl(node.concept)} | Quality:{node.quality}| Heuristic:{node.heuristic}") print('\n######## Search Tree ###########\n') return predictions
[docs] def show_best_nodes(self, top_n, key=None): assert key self.sort_search_tree_by_decreasing_order(key=key) return self.show_search_tree('Final', top_n=top_n + 1)
[docs] @staticmethod def save_current_top_n_nodes(key=None, n=10, path=None): """ Save current top_n nodes. """ assert path assert key assert isinstance(n, int) pass
[docs] def clean(self): self._nodes.clear()