Source code for ontolearn.binders

"""Pyhon binders of other concept learners."""
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Dict
from .utils import create_experiment_folder
import re
import time
from ontolearn.learning_problem import PosNegLPStandard

[docs] class PredictedConcept: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
[docs] def __iter__(self): yield self.Prediction
[docs] class DLLearnerBinder: """ dl-learner python binder. """ def __init__(self, binary_path=None, model=None, kb_path=None, storage_path=".", max_runtime=3): try: assert binary_path assert model assert kb_path except AssertionError: print(f'binary_path:{binary_path}, model:{model} kb_path{kb_path} can not be None') raise self.binary_path = binary_path self.kb_path = kb_path = model self.max_runtime = max_runtime if storage_path is not None: self.storage_path = storage_path else: self.storage_path, _ = create_experiment_folder() self.best_predictions = None self.config_name_identifier = None
[docs] def write_dl_learner_config(self, pos: List[str], neg: List[str]) -> str: """Writes config file for dl-learner. Args: pos: A list of URIs of individuals indicating positive examples in concept learning problem. neg: A list of URIs of individuals indicating negatives examples in concept learning problem. Returns: str: Path of generated config file. """ assert len(pos) > 0 and isinstance(pos[0], str) assert len(neg) > 0 and isinstance(neg[0], str) Text = list() pos_string = "{ " neg_string = "{ " for i in pos: pos_string += "\"" + str( i) + "\"," for j in neg: neg_string += "\"" + str( j) + "\"," pos_string = pos_string[:-1] pos_string += "}" neg_string = neg_string[:-1] neg_string += "}" Text.append("rendering = \"dlsyntax\"") Text.append("// knowledge source definition") Text.append("cli.type = \"org.dllearner.cli.CLI\"") Text.append("ks.type = \"OWL File\"") Text.append("\n") Text.append("// knowledge source definition") Text.append( "ks.fileName = \"" + self.kb_path + '\"') Text.append("\n") Text.append("reasoner.type = \"closed world reasoner\"") Text.append("reasoner.sources = { ks }") Text.append("\n") Text.append("lp.type = \"PosNegLPStandard\"") Text.append("accuracyMethod.type = \"fmeasure\"") Text.append("\n") Text.append("lp.positiveExamples =" + pos_string) Text.append("\n") Text.append("lp.negativeExamples =" + neg_string) Text.append("\n") Text.append("alg.writeSearchTree = \"true\"") Text.append("op.type = \"rho\"") Text.append("op.useNumericDatatypes = \"false\"") Text.append("op.useCardinalityRestrictions = \"false\"") if == 'celoe': Text.append("alg.type = \"celoe\"") Text.append("alg.stopOnFirstDefinition = \"true\"") elif == 'ocel': Text.append("alg.type = \"ocel\"") Text.append("alg.showBenchmarkInformation = \"true\"") elif == 'eltl': Text.append("alg.type = \"eltl\"") Text.append("alg.maxNrOfResults = \"1\"") Text.append("alg.stopOnFirstDefinition = \"true\"") else: raise ValueError('Wrong algorithm chosen.') Text.append("alg.maxExecutionTimeInSeconds = " + str(self.max_runtime)) Text.append("\n") pathToConfig = self.storage_path + '/' + + '_' +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f") + '.conf' with open(pathToConfig, "wb") as wb: for i in Text: wb.write(i.encode("utf-8")) wb.write("\n".encode("utf-8")) return pathToConfig
[docs] def fit(self, lp: PosNegLPStandard, max_runtime: int = None): """Fit dl-learner model on a given positive and negative examples. Args: lp:PosNegLPStandard lp.pos A list of URIs of individuals indicating positive examples in concept learning problem. lp.neg A list of URIs of individuals indicating negatives examples in concept learning problem. max_runtime: Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. Returns: self. """ if max_runtime: self.max_runtime = max_runtime pathToConfig = self.write_dl_learner_config(pos=[i.str for i in lp.pos], neg=[i.str for i in lp.neg]) total_runtime = time.time() res =[self.binary_path, pathToConfig], capture_output=True, universal_newlines=True) total_runtime = round(time.time() - total_runtime, 3) self.best_predictions = self.parse_dl_learner_output(res.stdout.splitlines(), pathToConfig) self.best_predictions['Runtime'] = total_runtime return self
[docs] def best_hypotheses(self, n: int = None) -> PredictedConcept: # @ TODO: # Convert string to OWL class object # {'Prediction': 'Child', 'Accuracy': 1.0, 'F-measure': 1.0, 'NumClassTested': 3, 'Runtime': 3.502} return PredictedConcept(**self.best_hypothesis())
[docs] def best_hypothesis(self): """ Return predictions if exists. Returns: The prediction or the string 'No prediction found.' """ if self.best_predictions: return self.best_predictions else: print('No prediction found.')
[docs] def parse_dl_learner_output(self, output_of_dl_learner: List[str], file_path: str) -> Dict: """Parse the output received from executing dl-learner. Args: output_of_dl_learner: The output of dl-learner to parse. file_path: The file path to store the output. Returns: A dictionary of {'Prediction': ..., 'Accuracy': ..., 'F-measure': ...}. """ solutions = None best_concept_str = None acc = -1.0 f_measure = -1.0 search_info = None num_expression_tested = -1 # DL-learner does not provide a unified output :( # ELTL => No info pertaining to the number of concept tested, number of retrieval etc. # CELOE => Algorithm terminated successfully (time: 245ms, 188 descriptions tested, 69 nodes in the search # tree). # OCEL => Algorithm stopped (4505 descriptions tested). time.time() txt_path = file_path + '.txt' # self.storage_path + '/output_' + + '_' + str(time.time()) + '.txt' # (1) Store output of dl learner and extract solutions. with open(txt_path, 'w') as w: for th, sentence in enumerate(output_of_dl_learner): w.write(sentence + '\n') if 'solutions' in sentence and '1:' in output_of_dl_learner[th + 1]: solutions = output_of_dl_learner[th:] if 'Algorithm' in sentence: search_info = sentence # check whether solutions found if solutions: # if solution found, check the correctness of relevant part of dl-learner output. try: assert isinstance(solutions, list) assert 'solutions' in solutions[0] assert len(solutions) > 0 assert '1: ' in solutions[1][:5] except AssertionError: print(type(solutions)) print('####') print(solutions[0]) print('####') print(len(solutions)) else: # no solution found. print('#################') print('#######{}##########'.format( print('#################') for i in output_of_dl_learner[-3:-1]: print(i) if 'descriptions' in i: search_info = i print('#################') print('#######{}##########'.format( print('#################') _ = re.findall(r'\d+ descriptions tested', search_info) assert len(_) == 1 # Get the numbers num_expression_tested = int(re.findall(r'\d+', _[0])[0]) return {'Model':, 'Prediction': best_concept_str, 'Accuracy': float(acc) * .01, 'F-measure': float(f_measure) * .01, 'NumClassTested': int(num_expression_tested)} # top_predictions must have the following form """solutions ......: 1: Parent(pred.acc.: 100.00 %, F - measure: 100.00 %) 2: ⊤ (pred.acc.: 50.00 %, F-measure: 66.67 %) 3: Person(pred.acc.: 50.00 %, F - measure: 66.67 %) """ best_solution = solutions[1] if == 'ocel': """ parse differently""" token = '(accuracy ' start_index = len('1: ') end_index = best_solution.index(token) best_concept_str = best_solution[start_index:end_index - 1] # -1 due to white space between *) (*. quality_info = best_solution[end_index:] # best_concept_str => *Sister ⊔ (Female ⊓ (¬Granddaughter))* # quality_info => *(accuracy 100%, length 16, depth 2)* # Create a list to hold the numbers predicted_accuracy_info = re.findall(r'accuracy \d*%', quality_info) assert len(predicted_accuracy_info) == 1 assert predicted_accuracy_info[0][-1] == '%' # percentage sign acc = re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d+', predicted_accuracy_info[0])[0] _ = re.findall(r'\d+ descriptions tested', search_info) assert len(_) == 1 # Get the numbers num_expression_tested = int(re.findall(r'\d+', _[0])[0]) elif in ['celoe', 'eltl']: # e.g. => 1: Sister ⊔ (∃ married.Brother) (pred. acc.: 90.24%, F-measure: 91.11%) # Heuristic => Quality info start with *(pred. acc.: * token = '(pred. acc.: ' start_index = len('1: ') end_index = best_solution.index(token) best_concept_str = best_solution[start_index:end_index - 1] # -1 due to white space between *) (*. quality_info = best_solution[end_index:] # best_concept_str => *Sister ⊔ (Female ⊓ (¬Granddaughter))* # quality_info => *(pred. acc.: 79.27%, F-measure: 82.83%)* # Create a list to hold the numbers predicted_accuracy_info = re.findall(r'pred. acc.: \d+.\d+%', quality_info) f_measure_info = re.findall(r'F-measure: \d+.\d+%', quality_info) assert len(predicted_accuracy_info) == 1 assert len(f_measure_info) == 1 assert predicted_accuracy_info[0][-1] == '%' # percentage sign assert f_measure_info[0][-1] == '%' # percentage sign acc = re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d+', predicted_accuracy_info[0])[0] f_measure = re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d+', f_measure_info[0])[0] if search_info is not None: # search_info is expected to be " Algorithm terminated successfully (time: 252ms, 188 descriptions # tested, 69 nodes in the search tree)." _ = re.findall(r'\d+ descriptions tested', search_info) if len(_) == 0: assert == 'eltl' else: assert len(_) == 1 # Get the numbers num_expression_tested = int(re.findall(r'\d+', _[0])[0]) else: raise ValueError # 100% into range between 1.0 and 0.0 return {'Prediction': best_concept_str, 'Accuracy': float(acc) * .01, 'F-measure': float(f_measure) * .01, 'NumClassTested': int(num_expression_tested)}
[docs] @staticmethod def train(dataset: List = None) -> None: """ Dummy method, currently it does nothing."""
[docs] def fit_from_iterable(self, dataset: List = None, max_runtime=None) -> List[Dict]: """Fit dl-learner model on a list of given positive and negative examples. Args: dataset: A list of tuple (s,p,n) where s => string representation of target concept, p => positive examples, i.e. s(p)=1 and n => negative examples, i.e. s(n)=0. max_runtime: Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. Returns: self. """ raise NotImplementedError assert len(dataset) > 0 if max_runtime: assert isinstance(max_runtime, int) self.max_runtime = max_runtime return [, neg=n, max_runtime=self.max_runtime).best_hypothesis() for (s, p, n) in dataset]