Source code for ontolearn.concept_learner

"""Concept learning algorithms of Ontolearn."""

import logging
import operator
import random
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from itertools import islice, chain
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, FrozenSet, Set, List, Tuple, Iterable, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
import torch
from owlapy.class_expression import OWLClassExpression
from owlapy.owl_individual import OWLNamedIndividual
from owlapy.owl_literal import OWLLiteral
from owlapy.owl_property import OWLDataProperty
from owlapy.owl_reasoner import OWLReasoner
from import DataLoader
from torch.functional import F
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from deap import gp, tools, base, creator

from ontolearn.knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
from ontolearn.abstracts import AbstractFitness, AbstractScorer, BaseRefinement, \
    AbstractHeuristic, EncodedPosNegLPStandardKind
from ontolearn.base_concept_learner import BaseConceptLearner, RefinementBasedConceptLearner
from ontolearn.base.owl.utils import EvaluatedDescriptionSet, ConceptOperandSorter, OperandSetTransform
from ontolearn.data_struct import NCESDataLoader, NCESDataLoaderInference, CLIPDataLoader, CLIPDataLoaderInference
from ontolearn.ea_algorithms import AbstractEvolutionaryAlgorithm, EASimple
from ontolearn.ea_initialization import AbstractEAInitialization, EARandomInitialization, EARandomWalkInitialization
from ontolearn.ea_utils import PrimitiveFactory, OperatorVocabulary, ToolboxVocabulary, Tree, escape, ind_to_string, \
from ontolearn.fitness_functions import LinearPressureFitness
from ontolearn.heuristics import OCELHeuristic
from ontolearn.learning_problem import PosNegLPStandard, EncodedPosNegLPStandard
from ontolearn.metrics import Accuracy
from ontolearn.refinement_operators import ExpressRefinement
from import EvoLearnerNode, NCESNode, HeuristicOrderedNode, LBLNode, OENode, TreeNode, \
    LengthOrderedNode, \
    QualityOrderedNode, EvaluatedConcept
from ontolearn.utils import oplogging
from ontolearn.utils.static_funcs import init_length_metric, compute_tp_fn_fp_tn
from ontolearn.value_splitter import AbstractValueSplitter, BinningValueSplitter, EntropyValueSplitter
from ontolearn.base_nces import BaseNCES
from ontolearn.nces_architectures import LSTM, GRU, SetTransformer
from ontolearn.clip_architectures import LengthLearner_LSTM, LengthLearner_GRU, LengthLearner_CNN, \
from ontolearn.nces_trainer import NCESTrainer, before_pad
from ontolearn.clip_trainer import CLIPTrainer
from ontolearn.nces_utils import SimpleSolution
from owlapy.render import DLSyntaxObjectRenderer
from owlapy.parser import DLSyntaxParser
from owlapy.util import OrderedOWLObject
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
import os

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_concept_operand_sorter = ConceptOperandSorter()

[docs] class CELOE(RefinementBasedConceptLearner[OENode]): """Class Expression Learning for Ontology Engineering. Attributes: best_descriptions (EvaluatedDescriptionSet[OENode, QualityOrderedNode]): Best hypotheses ordered. best_only (bool): If False pick only nodes with quality < 1.0, else pick without quality restrictions. calculate_min_max (bool): Calculate minimum and maximum horizontal expansion? Statistical purpose only. heuristic_func (AbstractHeuristic): Function to guide the search heuristic. heuristic_queue (SortedSet[OENode]): A sorted set that compares the nodes based on Heuristic. iter_bound (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n refinement steps are done. kb (KnowledgeBase): The knowledge base that the concept learner is using. max_child_length (int): Limit the length of concepts generated by the refinement operator. max_he (int): Maximal value of horizontal expansion. max_num_of_concepts_tested (int) Limit to stop the algorithm after n concepts tested. max_runtime (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. min_he (int): Minimal value of horizontal expansion. name (str): Name of the model = 'celoe_python'. _number_of_tested_concepts (int): Yes, you got it. This stores the number of tested concepts. operator (BaseRefinement): Operator used to generate refinements. quality_func (AbstractScorer) The quality function to be used. reasoner (OWLReasoner): The reasoner that this model is using. search_tree (Dict[OWLClassExpression, TreeNode[OENode]]): Dict to store the TreeNode for a class expression. start_class (OWLClassExpression): The starting class expression for the refinement operation. start_time (float): The time when :meth:`fit` starts the execution. Used to calculate the total time :meth:`fit` takes to execute. terminate_on_goal (bool): Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found. """ __slots__ = 'best_descriptions', 'max_he', 'min_he', 'best_only', 'calculate_min_max', 'heuristic_queue', \ 'search_tree', '_learning_problem', '_max_runtime', '_seen_norm_concepts' name = 'celoe_python' kb: KnowledgeBase max_he: int min_he: int best_only: bool calculate_min_max: bool search_tree: Dict[OWLClassExpression, TreeNode[OENode]] seen_norm_concepts: Set[OWLClassExpression] heuristic_queue: 'SortedSet[OENode]' best_descriptions: EvaluatedDescriptionSet[OENode, QualityOrderedNode] _learning_problem: Optional[EncodedPosNegLPStandardKind] def __init__(self, knowledge_base: KnowledgeBase, reasoner: Optional[OWLReasoner] = None, refinement_operator: Optional[BaseRefinement[OENode]] = None, quality_func: Optional[AbstractScorer] = None, heuristic_func: Optional[AbstractHeuristic] = None, terminate_on_goal: Optional[bool] = None, iter_bound: Optional[int] = None, max_num_of_concepts_tested: Optional[int] = None, max_runtime: Optional[int] = None, max_results: int = 10, best_only: bool = False, calculate_min_max: bool = True): """ Create a new instance of CELOE. Args: best_only (bool): If False pick only nodes with quality < 1.0, else pick without quality restrictions. Defaults to False. calculate_min_max (bool): Calculate minimum and maximum horizontal expansion? Statistical purpose only. Defaults to True. refinement_operator (BaseRefinement[OENode]): Operator used to generate refinements. Defaults to `ModifiedCELOERefinement`. heuristic_func (AbstractHeuristic): Function to guide the search heuristic. Defaults to `CELOEHeuristic`. iter_bound (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n refinement steps are done. Defaults to 10'000. knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): The knowledge base that the concept learner is using. max_num_of_concepts_tested (int) Limit to stop the algorithm after n concepts tested. Defaults to 10'000. max_runtime (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. Defaults to 5. max_results (int): Maximum hypothesis to store. Defaults to 10. quality_func (AbstractScorer) The quality function to be used. Defaults to `F1`. reasoner (OWLReasoner): Optionally use a different reasoner. If reasoner=None, the reasoner of the :attr:`knowledge_base` is used. terminate_on_goal (bool): Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found. Defaults to True. """ super().__init__(knowledge_base=knowledge_base, reasoner=reasoner, refinement_operator=refinement_operator, quality_func=quality_func, heuristic_func=heuristic_func, terminate_on_goal=terminate_on_goal, iter_bound=iter_bound, max_num_of_concepts_tested=max_num_of_concepts_tested, max_runtime=max_runtime) self.search_tree = dict() self.heuristic_queue = SortedSet(key=HeuristicOrderedNode) self._seen_norm_concepts = set() self.best_descriptions = EvaluatedDescriptionSet(max_size=max_results, ordering=QualityOrderedNode) self.best_only = best_only self.calculate_min_max = calculate_min_max self.max_he = 0 self.min_he = 1 # TODO: CD: This could be defined in BaseConceptLearner as it is used in all classes that inherits from # TODO: CD: BaseConceptLearner self._learning_problem = None self._max_runtime = None
[docs] def next_node_to_expand(self, step: int) -> OENode: if not self.best_only: for node in reversed(self.heuristic_queue): if node.quality < 1.0: return node else: raise ValueError("No Node with lesser accuracy found") else: # from reimplementation, pick without quality criterion return self.heuristic_queue[-1]
# Original reimplementation of CELOE: Sort search tree at each step. Quite inefficient. # self.search_tree.sort_search_tree_by_decreasing_order(key='heuristic') # if self.verbose > 1: # self.search_tree.show_search_tree(step) # for n in self.search_tree: # return n # raise ValueError('Search Tree can not be empty.')
[docs] def best_hypotheses(self, n: int = 1, return_node: bool = False) -> Union[Union[ OWLClassExpression, Iterable[OWLClassExpression]], Union[OENode, Iterable[OENode]]]: x = islice(self.best_descriptions, n) if n == 1: if return_node: return next(x) else: return next(x).concept else: if return_node: return [i for i in x] else: return [i.concept for i in x]
[docs] def make_node(self, c: OWLClassExpression, parent_node: Optional[OENode] = None, is_root: bool = False) -> OENode: """ Create a node for CELOE. Args: c: The class expression of this node. parent_node: Parent node. is_root: Is this the root node? Returns: OENode: The node. """ r = OENode(c, self.kb.concept_len(c), parent_node=parent_node, is_root=is_root) return r
[docs] @contextmanager def updating_node(self, node: OENode): """ Removes the node from the heuristic sorted set and inserts it again. Args: Node to update. Yields: The node itself. """ self.heuristic_queue.discard(node) yield node self.heuristic_queue.add(node)
[docs] def downward_refinement(self, node: OENode) -> Iterable[OENode]: assert isinstance(node, OENode) with self.updating_node(node): # TODO: NNF refinements = SortedSet( map(_concept_operand_sorter.sort, self.operator.refine( node.concept, max_length=node.h_exp, current_domain=self.start_class) ) # noqa: E203 , key=OrderedOWLObject) node.increment_h_exp() node.refinement_count = len(refinements) self.heuristic_func.apply(node, None, self._learning_problem) def make_node_with_parent(c: OWLClassExpression): return self.make_node(c, parent_node=node) return map(make_node_with_parent, refinements)
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Find hypotheses that explain pos and neg. """ self.clean() max_runtime = kwargs.pop("max_runtime", None) learning_problem = self.construct_learning_problem(PosNegLPStandard, args, kwargs) assert not self.search_tree self._learning_problem = learning_problem.encode_kb(self.kb) if max_runtime is not None: self._max_runtime = max_runtime else: self._max_runtime = self.max_runtime root = self.make_node(_concept_operand_sorter.sort(self.start_class), is_root=True) self._add_node(root, None) assert len(self.heuristic_queue) == 1 # TODO:CD:suggest to add another assert,e.g. assert #. of instance in root > 1 self.start_time = time.time() for j in range(1, self.iter_bound): most_promising = self.next_node_to_expand(j) tree_parent = self.tree_node(most_promising) minimum_length = most_promising.h_exp if logger.isEnabledFor(oplogging.TRACE): logger.debug("now refining %s", most_promising) for ref in self.downward_refinement(most_promising): # we ignore all refinements with lower length # (this also avoids duplicate node children) # TODO: ignore too high depth if ref.len < minimum_length: # ignoring refinement, it does not satisfy minimum_length condition continue # note: tree_parent has to be equal to node_tree_parent(ref.parent_node)! added = self._add_node(ref, tree_parent) goal_found = added and ref.quality == 1.0 if goal_found and self.terminate_on_goal: return self.terminate() if self.calculate_min_max: # This is purely a statistical function, it does not influence CELOE self.update_min_max_horiz_exp(most_promising) if time.time() - self.start_time > self._max_runtime: return self.terminate() if self.number_of_tested_concepts >= self.max_num_of_concepts_tested: return self.terminate() if logger.isEnabledFor(oplogging.TRACE) and j % 100 == 0: self._log_current_best(j) return self.terminate()
[docs] async def fit_async(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Async method of fit. """ self.clean() max_runtime = kwargs.pop("max_runtime", None) learning_problem = self.construct_learning_problem(PosNegLPStandard, args, kwargs) assert not self.search_tree self._learning_problem = learning_problem.encode_kb(self.kb) if max_runtime is not None: self._max_runtime = max_runtime else: self._max_runtime = self.max_runtime root = self.make_node(_concept_operand_sorter.sort(self.start_class), is_root=True) self._add_node(root, None) assert len(self.heuristic_queue) == 1 # TODO:CD:suggest to add another assert,e.g. assert #. of instance in root > 1 self.start_time = time.time() for j in range(1, self.iter_bound): most_promising = self.next_node_to_expand(j) tree_parent = self.tree_node(most_promising) minimum_length = most_promising.h_exp if logger.isEnabledFor(oplogging.TRACE): logger.debug("now refining %s", most_promising) evaluated_refs = [] for ref in self.downward_refinement(most_promising): # we ignore all refinements with lower length # (this also avoids duplicate node children) # TODO: ignore too high depth if ref.len < minimum_length: # ignoring refinement, it does not satisfy minimum_length condition continue if ref.concept in self.search_tree: # ignoring refinement, it has been refined from another parent continue evaluated_refs.append(self._eval_node_async(ref)) import asyncio for task in asyncio.as_completed(evaluated_refs): ref, eval_ = await task # for task in await asyncio.gather(*evaluated_refs): # ref, eval_ = task # note: tree_parent has to be equal to node_tree_parent(ref.parent_node)! added = self._add_node_evald(ref, eval_, tree_parent) goal_found = added and ref.quality == 1.0 if goal_found and self.terminate_on_goal: return self.terminate() if self.calculate_min_max: # This is purely a statistical function, it does not influence CELOE self.update_min_max_horiz_exp(most_promising) if time.time() - self.start_time > self._max_runtime: return self.terminate() if self.number_of_tested_concepts >= self.max_num_of_concepts_tested: return self.terminate() if logger.isEnabledFor(oplogging.TRACE) and j % 100 == 0: self._log_current_best(j) return self.terminate()
[docs] def encoded_learning_problem(self) -> Optional[EncodedPosNegLPStandardKind]: """Fetch the most recently used learning problem from the fit method.""" return self._learning_problem
[docs] def tree_node(self, node: OENode) -> TreeNode[OENode]: """ Get the TreeNode of the given node. Args: node: The node. Returns: TreeNode of the given node. """ tree_parent = self.search_tree[node.concept] return tree_parent
def _add_node(self, ref: OENode, tree_parent: Optional[TreeNode[OENode]]): # TODO:CD: Why have this constraint ? # We should not ignore a concept due to this constraint. # It might be the case that new path to ref.concept is a better path. Hence, we should update its parent # depending on the new heuristic value. # Solution: If concept exists we should compare its first heuristic value with the new one if ref.concept in self.search_tree: # ignoring refinement, it has been refined from another parent return False norm_concept = OperandSetTransform().simplify(ref.concept) if norm_concept in self._seen_norm_concepts: norm_seen = True else: norm_seen = False self._seen_norm_concepts.add(norm_concept) self.search_tree[ref.concept] = TreeNode(ref, tree_parent, is_root=ref.is_root) e = self.kb.evaluate_concept(ref.concept, self.quality_func, self._learning_problem) ref.quality = e.q self._number_of_tested_concepts += 1 if ref.quality == 0: # > too weak return False assert 0 <= ref.quality <= 1.0 # TODO: expression rewriting self.heuristic_func.apply(ref, e.inds, self._learning_problem) if not norm_seen and self.best_descriptions.maybe_add(ref): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Better description found: %s", ref) self.heuristic_queue.add(ref) # TODO: implement noise return True async def _eval_node_async(self, ref: OENode): # TODO:CD: Why have this constraint ? # We should not ignore a concept due to this constraint. # It might be the case that new path to ref.concept is a better path. Hence, we should update its parent # depending on the new heuristic value. # Solution: If concept exists we should compare its first heuristic value with the new one res = await self.kb.evaluate_concept_async(ref.concept, self.quality_func, self._learning_problem) return ref, res def _add_node_evald(self, ref: OENode, eval_: EvaluatedConcept, tree_parent: Optional[TreeNode[OENode]]): norm_concept = OperandSetTransform().simplify(ref.concept) if norm_concept in self._seen_norm_concepts: norm_seen = True else: norm_seen = False self._seen_norm_concepts.add(norm_concept) self.search_tree[ref.concept] = TreeNode(ref, tree_parent, is_root=ref.is_root) ref.quality = eval_.q self._number_of_tested_concepts += 1 if ref.quality == 0: # > too weak return False assert 0 <= ref.quality <= 1.0 # TODO: expression rewriting self.heuristic_func.apply(ref, eval_.inds, self._learning_problem) if not norm_seen and self.best_descriptions.maybe_add(ref): if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Better description found: %s", ref) self.heuristic_queue.add(ref) # TODO: implement noise return True def _log_current_best(self, heading_step, top_n: int = 10) -> None: logger.debug('######## %s step Best Hypotheses ###########', heading_step) predictions = list(self.best_hypotheses(top_n, return_node=True)) for ith, node in enumerate(predictions): logger.debug('{0}-\t{1}\t{2}:{3}\tHeuristic:{4}:'.format( ith + 1, DLSyntaxObjectRenderer().render(node.concept), type(self.quality_func).name, node.quality, node.heuristic))
[docs] def show_search_tree(self, heading_step: str, top_n: int = 10) -> None: """ Show search tree. """ rdr = DLSyntaxObjectRenderer() print('######## ', heading_step, 'step Search Tree ###########') def tree_node_as_length_ordered_concept(tn: TreeNode[OENode]): return LengthOrderedNode(tn.node, tn.node.len) def print_partial_tree_recursive(tn: TreeNode[OENode], depth: int = 0): if tn.node.heuristic is not None: heur_idx = len(self.heuristic_queue) - self.heuristic_queue.index(tn.node) else: heur_idx = None if tn.node in self.best_descriptions: best_idx = len(self.best_descriptions.items) - self.best_descriptions.items.index(tn.node) else: best_idx = None render_str = rdr.render(tn.node.concept) depths = "`" * depth if best_idx is not None or heur_idx is not None: if best_idx is None: best_idx = "" if heur_idx is None: heur_idx = "" print("[%3s] [%4s] %s %s \t HE:%s Q:%f Heur:%s |RC|:%s" % (best_idx, heur_idx, depths, render_str, tn.node.h_exp, tn.node.quality, tn.node.heuristic, tn.node.refinement_count)) for c in sorted(tn.children, key=tree_node_as_length_ordered_concept): print_partial_tree_recursive(c, depth + 1) print_partial_tree_recursive(self.search_tree[self.start_class]) print('######## ', heading_step, 'step Best Hypotheses ###########') predictions = list(self.best_hypotheses(top_n, return_node=True)) for ith, node in enumerate(predictions): print('{0}-\t{1}\t{2}:{3}\tHeuristic:{4}:'.format(ith + 1, rdr.render(node.concept), type(self.quality_func).name, node.quality, node.heuristic)) print('######## Search Tree ###########\n')
[docs] def update_min_max_horiz_exp(self, node: OENode): he = node.h_exp # update maximum value self.max_he = max(self.max_he, he) if self.min_he == he - 1: threshold_score = node.heuristic + 1 - node.quality for n in reversed(self.heuristic_queue): if n == node: continue if n.h_exp == self.min_he: """ we can stop instantly when another node with min. """ return if n.heuristic < threshold_score: """ we can stop traversing nodes when their score is too low. """ break # inc. minimum since we found no other node which also has min. horiz. exp. self.min_he += 1 if logger.isEnabledFor(oplogging.TRACE):"minimum horizontal expansion is now %d", self.min_he)
[docs] def clean(self): self.heuristic_queue.clear() self.best_descriptions.clean() self.search_tree.clear() self._seen_norm_concepts.clear() self.max_he = 0 self.min_he = 1 self._learning_problem = None self._max_runtime = None super().clean()
[docs] class OCEL(CELOE): """A limited version of CELOE. Attributes: best_descriptions (EvaluatedDescriptionSet[OENode, QualityOrderedNode]): Best hypotheses ordered. best_only (bool): If False pick only nodes with quality < 1.0, else pick without quality restrictions. calculate_min_max (bool): Calculate minimum and maximum horizontal expansion? Statistical purpose only. heuristic_func (AbstractHeuristic): Function to guide the search heuristic. heuristic_queue (SortedSet[OENode]): A sorted set that compares the nodes based on Heuristic. iter_bound (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n refinement steps are done. kb (KnowledgeBase): The knowledge base that the concept learner is using. max_child_length (int): Limit the length of concepts generated by the refinement operator. max_he (int): Maximal value of horizontal expansion. max_num_of_concepts_tested (int) Limit to stop the algorithm after n concepts tested. max_runtime (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. min_he (int): Minimal value of horizontal expansion. name (str): Name of the model = 'ocel_python'. _number_of_tested_concepts (int): Yes, you got it. This stores the number of tested concepts. operator (BaseRefinement): Operator used to generate refinements. quality_func (AbstractScorer) The quality function to be used. reasoner (OWLReasoner): The reasoner that this model is using. search_tree (Dict[OWLClassExpression, TreeNode[OENode]]): Dict to store the TreeNode for a class expression. start_class (OWLClassExpression): The starting class expression for the refinement operation. start_time (float): The time when :meth:`fit` starts the execution. Used to calculate the total time :meth:`fit` takes to execute. terminate_on_goal (bool): Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found. """ __slots__ = () name = 'ocel_python' def __init__(self, knowledge_base: KnowledgeBase, reasoner: Optional[OWLReasoner] = None, refinement_operator: Optional[BaseRefinement[OENode]] = None, quality_func: Optional[AbstractScorer] = None, heuristic_func: Optional[AbstractHeuristic] = None, terminate_on_goal: Optional[bool] = None, iter_bound: Optional[int] = None, max_num_of_concepts_tested: Optional[int] = None, max_runtime: Optional[int] = None, max_results: int = 10, best_only: bool = False, calculate_min_max: bool = True): """ Create a new instance of OCEL. Args: best_only (bool): If False pick only nodes with quality < 1.0, else pick without quality restrictions. Defaults to False. calculate_min_max (bool): Calculate minimum and maximum horizontal expansion? Statistical purpose only. Defaults to True. refinement_operator (BaseRefinement[OENode]): Operator used to generate refinements. Defaults to `ModifiedCELOERefinement`. heuristic_func (AbstractHeuristic): Function to guide the search heuristic. Defaults to `OCELHeuristic`. iter_bound (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n refinement steps are done. Defaults to 10'000. knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): The knowledge base that the concept learner is using. max_num_of_concepts_tested (int) Limit to stop the algorithm after n concepts tested. Defaults to 10'000. max_runtime (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. Defaults to 5. max_results (int): Maximum hypothesis to store. Defaults to 10. quality_func (AbstractScorer) The quality function to be used. Defaults to `F1`. reasoner (OWLReasoner): Optionally use a different reasoner. If reasoner=None, the reasoner of the :attr:`knowledge_base` is used. terminate_on_goal (bool): Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found. Defaults to True. """ if heuristic_func is None: heuristic_func = OCELHeuristic() super().__init__(knowledge_base=knowledge_base, reasoner=reasoner, refinement_operator=refinement_operator, quality_func=quality_func, heuristic_func=heuristic_func, terminate_on_goal=terminate_on_goal, iter_bound=iter_bound, max_num_of_concepts_tested=max_num_of_concepts_tested, max_runtime=max_runtime, max_results=max_results, best_only=best_only, calculate_min_max=calculate_min_max)
[docs] def make_node(self, c: OWLClassExpression, parent_node: Optional[OENode] = None, is_root: bool = False) -> OENode: """ Create a node for OCEL. Args: c: The class expression of this node. parent_node: Parent node. is_root: Is this the root node? Returns: OENode: The node. """ assert parent_node is None or isinstance(parent_node, LBLNode) r = LBLNode(c, self.kb.concept_len(c), self.kb.individuals_set(c), parent_node=parent_node, is_root=is_root) if parent_node is not None: parent_node.add_child(r) return r
[docs] class EvoLearner(BaseConceptLearner[EvoLearnerNode]): """An evolutionary approach to learn concepts in ALCQ(D). Attributes: algorithm (AbstractEvolutionaryAlgorithm): The evolutionary algorithm. card_limit (int): The upper cardinality limit if using cardinality restriction on object properties. fitness_func (AbstractFitness): Fitness function. height_limit (int): The maximum value allowed for the height of the Crossover and Mutation operations. init_method (AbstractEAInitialization): The evolutionary algorithm initialization method. kb (KnowledgeBase): The knowledge base that the concept learner is using. max_num_of_concepts_tested (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n concepts tested. max_runtime (int): max_runtime: Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. mut_uniform_gen (AbstractEAInitialization): The initialization method to create the tree for mutation operation. name (str): Name of the model = 'evolearner'. num_generations (int): Number of generation for the evolutionary algorithm. _number_of_tested_concepts (int): Yes, you got it. This stores the number of tested concepts. population_size (int): Population size for the evolutionary algorithm. pset (gp.PrimitiveSetTyped): Contains the primitives that can be used to solve a Strongly Typed GP problem. quality_func: Function to evaluate the quality of solution concepts. reasoner (OWLReasoner): The reasoner that this model is using. start_time (float): The time when :meth:`fit` starts the execution. Used to calculate the total time :meth:`fit` takes to execute. terminate_on_goal (bool): Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found. toolbox (base.Toolbox): A toolbox for evolution that contains the evolutionary operators. tournament_size (int): The number of evolutionary individuals participating in each tournament. use_card_restrictions (bool): Use cardinality restriction for object properties? use_data_properties (bool): Consider data properties? use_inverse (bool): Consider inversed concepts? value_splitter (AbstractValueSplitter): Used to calculate the splits for data properties values. """ __slots__ = 'fitness_func', 'init_method', 'algorithm', 'value_splitter', 'tournament_size', \ 'population_size', 'num_generations', 'height_limit', 'use_data_properties', 'pset', 'toolbox', \ '_learning_problem', '_result_population', 'mut_uniform_gen', '_dp_to_prim_type', '_dp_splits', \ '_split_properties', '_cache', 'use_card_restrictions', 'card_limit', 'use_inverse', 'total_fits' name = 'evolearner' kb: KnowledgeBase fitness_func: AbstractFitness init_method: AbstractEAInitialization algorithm: AbstractEvolutionaryAlgorithm mut_uniform_gen: AbstractEAInitialization value_splitter: AbstractValueSplitter use_data_properties: bool use_card_restrictions: bool use_inverse: bool tournament_size: int card_limit: int population_size: int num_generations: int height_limit: int pset: gp.PrimitiveSetTyped toolbox: base.Toolbox _learning_problem: EncodedPosNegLPStandard _result_population: Optional[List[Tree]] _dp_to_prim_type: Dict[OWLDataProperty, Any] _dp_splits: Dict[OWLDataProperty, List[OWLLiteral]] _split_properties: List[OWLDataProperty] _cache: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]] def __init__(self, knowledge_base: KnowledgeBase, reasoner: Optional[OWLReasoner] = None, quality_func: Optional[AbstractScorer] = None, fitness_func: Optional[AbstractFitness] = None, init_method: Optional[AbstractEAInitialization] = None, algorithm: Optional[AbstractEvolutionaryAlgorithm] = None, mut_uniform_gen: Optional[AbstractEAInitialization] = None, value_splitter: Optional[AbstractValueSplitter] = None, terminate_on_goal: Optional[bool] = None, max_runtime: Optional[int] = None, use_data_properties: bool = True, use_card_restrictions: bool = True, use_inverse: bool = False, tournament_size: int = 7, card_limit: int = 10, population_size: int = 800, num_generations: int = 200, height_limit: int = 17): """ Create a new instance of EvoLearner Args: algorithm (AbstractEvolutionaryAlgorithm): The evolutionary algorithm. Defaults to `EASimple`. card_limit (int): The upper cardinality limit if using cardinality restriction for object properties. Defaults to 10. fitness_func (AbstractFitness): Fitness function. Defaults to `LinearPressureFitness`. height_limit (int): The maximum value allowed for the height of the Crossover and Mutation operations. Defaults to 17. init_method (AbstractEAInitialization): The evolutionary algorithm initialization method. Defaults to EARandomWalkInitialization. knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): The knowledge base that the concept learner is using. max_runtime (int): max_runtime: Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. Defaults to 5. mut_uniform_gen (AbstractEAInitialization): The initialization method to create the tree for mutation operation. Defaults to EARandomInitialization(min_height=1, max_height=3). num_generations (int): Number of generation for the evolutionary algorithm. Defaults to 200. population_size (int): Population size for the evolutionary algorithm. Defaults to 800. quality_func: Function to evaluate the quality of solution concepts. Defaults to `Accuracy`. reasoner (OWLReasoner): Optionally use a different reasoner. If reasoner=None, the reasoner of the :attr:`knowledge_base` is used. terminate_on_goal (bool): Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found. Defaults to True. tournament_size (int): The number of evolutionary individuals participating in each tournament. Defaults to 7. use_card_restrictions (bool): Use cardinality restriction for object properties? Default to True. use_data_properties (bool): Consider data properties? Defaults to True. use_inverse (bool): Consider inversed concepts? Defaults to False. value_splitter (AbstractValueSplitter): Used to calculate the splits for data properties values. Defaults to `EntropyValueSplitter`. """ if quality_func is None: quality_func = Accuracy() super().__init__(knowledge_base=knowledge_base, reasoner=reasoner, quality_func=quality_func, terminate_on_goal=terminate_on_goal, max_runtime=max_runtime) self.reasoner = reasoner self.fitness_func = fitness_func self.init_method = init_method self.algorithm = algorithm self.mut_uniform_gen = mut_uniform_gen self.value_splitter = value_splitter self.use_data_properties = use_data_properties self.use_card_restrictions = use_card_restrictions self.use_inverse = use_inverse self.tournament_size = tournament_size self.card_limit = card_limit self.population_size = population_size self.num_generations = num_generations self.height_limit = height_limit self.total_fits = 0 self.__setup() def __setup(self): self.clean(partial=True) self._cache = dict() if self.fitness_func is None: self.fitness_func = LinearPressureFitness() if self.init_method is None: self.init_method = EARandomWalkInitialization() if self.algorithm is None: self.algorithm = EASimple() if self.mut_uniform_gen is None: self.mut_uniform_gen = EARandomInitialization(min_height=1, max_height=3) if self.value_splitter is None: self.value_splitter = EntropyValueSplitter() self._result_population = None self._dp_to_prim_type = dict() self._dp_splits = dict() self._split_properties = [] self.pset = self.__build_primitive_set() self.toolbox = self.__build_toolbox() def __build_primitive_set(self) -> gp.PrimitiveSetTyped: factory = PrimitiveFactory() union = factory.create_union() intersection = factory.create_intersection() pset = gp.PrimitiveSetTyped("concept_tree", [], OWLClassExpression) pset.addPrimitive(self.kb.generator.negation, [OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.NEGATION) pset.addPrimitive(union, [OWLClassExpression, OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.UNION) pset.addPrimitive(intersection, [OWLClassExpression, OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.INTERSECTION) for op in self.kb.get_object_properties(): name = escape(op.iri.get_remainder()) existential, universal = factory.create_existential_universal(op) pset.addPrimitive(existential, [OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.EXISTENTIAL + name) pset.addPrimitive(universal, [OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.UNIVERSAL + name) if self.use_inverse: existential, universal = factory.create_existential_universal(op.get_inverse_property()) pset.addPrimitive(existential, [OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.INVERSE + OperatorVocabulary.EXISTENTIAL + name) pset.addPrimitive(universal, [OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.INVERSE + OperatorVocabulary.UNIVERSAL + name) if self.use_data_properties: class Bool(object): pass false_ = OWLLiteral(False) true_ = OWLLiteral(True) pset.addTerminal(false_, Bool, name=owlliteral_to_primitive_string(false_)) pset.addTerminal(true_, Bool, name=owlliteral_to_primitive_string(true_)) for bool_dp in self.kb.get_boolean_data_properties(): name = escape(bool_dp.iri.get_remainder()) self._dp_to_prim_type[bool_dp] = Bool data_has_value = factory.create_data_has_value(bool_dp) pset.addPrimitive(data_has_value, [Bool], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.DATA_HAS_VALUE + name) for split_dp in chain(self.kb.get_time_data_properties(), self.kb.get_numeric_data_properties()): name = escape(split_dp.iri.get_remainder()) type_ = type(name, (object,), {}) self._dp_to_prim_type[split_dp] = type_ self._split_properties.append(split_dp) min_inc, max_inc, _, _ = factory.create_data_some_values(split_dp) pset.addPrimitive(min_inc, [type_], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.DATA_MIN_INCLUSIVE + name) pset.addPrimitive(max_inc, [type_], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.DATA_MAX_INCLUSIVE + name) # pset.addPrimitive(min_exc, [type_], OWLClassExpression, # name=OperatorVocabulary.DATA_MIN_EXCLUSIVE + name) # pset.addPrimitive(max_exc, [type_], OWLClassExpression, # name=OperatorVocabulary.DATA_MAX_EXCLUSIVE + name) if self.use_card_restrictions: for i in range(1, self.card_limit + 1): pset.addTerminal(i, int) for op in self.kb.get_object_properties(): name = escape(op.iri.get_remainder()) card_min, card_max, _ = factory.create_card_restrictions(op) pset.addPrimitive(card_min, [int, OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.CARD_MIN + name) pset.addPrimitive(card_max, [int, OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, name=OperatorVocabulary.CARD_MAX + name) # pset.addPrimitive(card_exact, [int, OWLClassExpression], OWLClassExpression, # name=OperatorVocabulary.CARD_EXACT + name) for class_ in self.kb.get_concepts(): pset.addTerminal(class_, OWLClassExpression, name=escape(class_.iri.get_remainder())) pset.addTerminal(self.kb.generator.thing, OWLClassExpression, name=escape(self.kb.generator.thing.iri.get_remainder())) pset.addTerminal(self.kb.generator.nothing, OWLClassExpression, name=escape(self.kb.generator.nothing.iri.get_remainder())) return pset def __build_toolbox(self) -> base.Toolbox: creator.create("Fitness", base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,)) creator.create("Quality", base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,)) creator.create("Individual", gp.PrimitiveTree, fitness=creator.Fitness, quality=creator.Quality) toolbox = base.Toolbox() toolbox.register(ToolboxVocabulary.INIT_POPULATION, self.init_method.get_population, creator.Individual, self.pset) toolbox.register(ToolboxVocabulary.COMPILE, gp.compile, pset=self.pset) toolbox.register(ToolboxVocabulary.FITNESS_FUNCTION, self._fitness_func) toolbox.register(ToolboxVocabulary.SELECTION, tools.selTournament, tournsize=self.tournament_size) toolbox.register(ToolboxVocabulary.CROSSOVER, gp.cxOnePoint) toolbox.register("create_tree_mut", self.mut_uniform_gen.get_expression) toolbox.register(ToolboxVocabulary.MUTATION, gp.mutUniform, expr=toolbox.create_tree_mut, pset=self.pset) toolbox.decorate(ToolboxVocabulary.CROSSOVER, gp.staticLimit(key=operator.attrgetter(ToolboxVocabulary.HEIGHT_KEY), max_value=self.height_limit)) toolbox.decorate(ToolboxVocabulary.MUTATION, gp.staticLimit(key=operator.attrgetter(ToolboxVocabulary.HEIGHT_KEY), max_value=self.height_limit)) toolbox.register("get_top_hypotheses", self._get_top_hypotheses) toolbox.register("terminate_on_goal", lambda: self.terminate_on_goal) toolbox.register("max_runtime", lambda: self.max_runtime) toolbox.register("pset", lambda: self.pset) return toolbox def __set_splitting_values(self): for p in self._dp_splits: if len(self._dp_splits[p]) == 0: if p in self.kb.get_numeric_data_properties(): self._dp_splits[p].append(OWLLiteral(0)) else: pass # TODO: # Remove terminal for multiple fits, unfortunately there exists no better way in DEAP # This removal is probably not needed, the important one is removal from the context below self.pset.terminals.pop(self._dp_to_prim_type[p], None) for split in self._dp_splits[p]: terminal_name = owlliteral_to_primitive_string(split, p) # Remove terminal for multiple fits, unfortunately there exists no better way in DEAP self.pset.context.pop(terminal_name, None) self.pset.addTerminal(split, self._dp_to_prim_type[p], name=terminal_name)
[docs] def register_op(self, alias: str, function: Callable, *args, **kargs): """Register a *function* in the toolbox under the name *alias*. You may provide default arguments that will be passed automatically when calling the registered function. Fixed arguments can then be overriden at function call time. Args: alias: The name the operator will take in the toolbox. If the alias already exist it will overwrite the operator already present. function: The function to which refer the alias. args: One or more argument (and keyword argument) to pass automatically to the registered function when called, optional. """ self.toolbox.register(alias, function, *args, **kargs) if alias == ToolboxVocabulary.CROSSOVER or alias == ToolboxVocabulary.MUTATION: self.toolbox.decorate(alias, gp.staticLimit(key=operator.attrgetter(ToolboxVocabulary.HEIGHT_KEY), max_value=self.height_limit))
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'EvoLearner': """ Find hypotheses that explain pos and neg. """ # Don't reset everything if the user is just using this model for 1 learning problem, since he may use the # register_op method, else-wise we need to `clean` before fitting to get a fresh fit. if self.total_fits > 0: self.clean() self.total_fits += 1 learning_problem = self.construct_learning_problem(PosNegLPStandard, args, kwargs) self._learning_problem = learning_problem.encode_kb(self.kb) verbose = kwargs.pop("verbose", 0) population = self._initialize(learning_problem.pos, learning_problem.neg) self.start_time = time.time() self._goal_found, self._result_population = self.algorithm.evolve(self.toolbox, population, self.num_generations, self.start_time, verbose=verbose) return self.terminate()
def _initialize(self, pos: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual], neg: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual]) -> List[Tree]: reasoner = self.kb.reasoner if self.reasoner is None else self.reasoner if self.use_data_properties: if isinstance(self.value_splitter, BinningValueSplitter): self._dp_splits = self.value_splitter.compute_splits_properties(reasoner, self._split_properties) elif isinstance(self.value_splitter, EntropyValueSplitter): entropy_splits = self.value_splitter.compute_splits_properties(reasoner, self._split_properties, pos, neg) no_splits = [prop for prop in entropy_splits if len(entropy_splits[prop]) == 0] temp_splitter = BinningValueSplitter(max_nr_splits=10) binning_splits = temp_splitter.compute_splits_properties(reasoner, no_splits) self._dp_splits = {**entropy_splits, **binning_splits} else: raise ValueError(self.value_splitter) self.__set_splitting_values() population = None if isinstance(self.init_method, EARandomWalkInitialization): population = self.toolbox.population(population_size=self.population_size, pos=list(pos), kb=self.kb, dp_to_prim_type=self._dp_to_prim_type, dp_splits=self._dp_splits) else: population = self.toolbox.population(population_size=self.population_size) return population
[docs] def best_hypotheses(self, n: int = 1, key: str = 'fitness', return_node: bool = False) -> Union[OWLClassExpression, Iterable[OWLClassExpression]]: assert self._result_population is not None assert len(self._result_population) > 0 if n > 1: if return_node: return [i for i in self._get_top_hypotheses(self._result_population, n, key)] else: return [i.concept for i in self._get_top_hypotheses(self._result_population, n, key)] else: if return_node: return next(self._get_top_hypotheses(self._result_population, n, key)) else: return next(self._get_top_hypotheses(self._result_population, n, key)).concept
def _get_top_hypotheses(self, population: List[Tree], n: int = 5, key: str = 'fitness') \ -> Iterable[EvoLearnerNode]: best_inds = tools.selBest(population, k=n * 10, fit_attr=key) best_inds_distinct = [] for ind in best_inds: if ind not in best_inds_distinct: best_inds_distinct.append(ind) best_concepts = [gp.compile(ind, self.pset) for ind in best_inds_distinct[:n]] for con, ind in zip(best_concepts, best_inds): individuals_count = len(self.kb.individuals_set(con)) yield EvoLearnerNode(con, self.kb.concept_len(con), individuals_count, ind.quality.values[0], len(ind), ind.height) def _fitness_func(self, individual: Tree): ind_str = ind_to_string(individual) # experimental if ind_str in self._cache: individual.quality.values = (self._cache[ind_str][0],) = (self._cache[ind_str][1],) else: concept = gp.compile(individual, self.pset) e = self.kb.evaluate_concept(concept, self.quality_func, self._learning_problem) individual.quality.values = (e.q,) self.fitness_func.apply(individual) self._cache[ind_str] = (e.q,[0]) self._number_of_tested_concepts += 1
[docs] def clean(self, partial: bool = False): # Resets classes if they already exist, names must match the ones that were created in the toolbox try: del creator.Fitness del creator.Individual del creator.Quality except AttributeError: pass super().clean() if not partial: # Reset everything if fitting more than one lp. Tests have shown that this is necessary to get the # best performance of EvoLearner. self._result_population = None self._cache.clear() self.fitness_func = LinearPressureFitness() self.init_method = EARandomWalkInitialization() self.algorithm = EASimple() self.mut_uniform_gen = EARandomInitialization(min_height=1, max_height=3) self.value_splitter = EntropyValueSplitter() self._dp_to_prim_type = dict() self._dp_splits = dict() self._split_properties = [] self.pset = self.__build_primitive_set() self.toolbox = self.__build_toolbox()
[docs] class CLIP(CELOE): """Concept Learner with Integrated Length Prediction. This algorithm extends the CELOE algorithm by using concept length predictors and a different refinement operator, i.e., ExpressRefinement Attributes: best_descriptions (EvaluatedDescriptionSet[OENode, QualityOrderedNode]): Best hypotheses ordered. best_only (bool): If False pick only nodes with quality < 1.0, else pick without quality restrictions. calculate_min_max (bool): Calculate minimum and maximum horizontal expansion? Statistical purpose only. heuristic_func (AbstractHeuristic): Function to guide the search heuristic. heuristic_queue (SortedSet[OENode]): A sorted set that compares the nodes based on Heuristic. iter_bound (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n refinement steps are done. kb (KnowledgeBase): The knowledge base that the concept learner is using. max_child_length (int): Limit the length of concepts generated by the refinement operator. max_he (int): Maximal value of horizontal expansion. max_num_of_concepts_tested (int) Limit to stop the algorithm after n concepts tested. max_runtime (int): Limit to stop the algorithm after n seconds. min_he (int): Minimal value of horizontal expansion. name (str): Name of the model = 'celoe_python'. _number_of_tested_concepts (int): Yes, you got it. This stores the number of tested concepts. operator (BaseRefinement): Operator used to generate refinements. quality_func (AbstractScorer) The quality function to be used. reasoner (OWLReasoner): The reasoner that this model is using. search_tree (Dict[OWLClassExpression, TreeNode[OENode]]): Dict to store the TreeNode for a class expression. start_class (OWLClassExpression): The starting class expression for the refinement operation. start_time (float): The time when :meth:`fit` starts the execution. Used to calculate the total time :meth:`fit` takes to execute. terminate_on_goal (bool): Whether to stop the algorithm if a perfect solution is found. """ __slots__ = 'best_descriptions', 'max_he', 'min_he', 'best_only', 'calculate_min_max', 'heuristic_queue', \ 'search_tree', '_learning_problem', '_max_runtime', '_seen_norm_concepts', 'predictor_name', 'pretrained_predictor_name', \ 'load_pretrained', 'output_size', 'num_examples', 'path_of_embeddings', 'instance_embeddings', 'input_size', 'device', 'length_predictor', \ 'num_workers', 'knowledge_base_path' name = 'clip' def __init__(self, knowledge_base: KnowledgeBase, knowledge_base_path='', reasoner: Optional[OWLReasoner] = None, refinement_operator: Optional[BaseRefinement[OENode]] = ExpressRefinement, quality_func: Optional[AbstractScorer] = None, heuristic_func: Optional[AbstractHeuristic] = None, terminate_on_goal: Optional[bool] = None, iter_bound: Optional[int] = None, max_num_of_concepts_tested: Optional[int] = None, max_runtime: Optional[int] = None, max_results: int = 10, best_only: bool = False, calculate_min_max: bool = True, path_of_embeddings="", predictor_name=None, pretrained_predictor_name=["SetTransformer", "LSTM", "GRU", "CNN"], load_pretrained=False, num_workers=4, num_examples=1000, output_size=15 ): super().__init__(knowledge_base, reasoner, refinement_operator, quality_func, heuristic_func, terminate_on_goal, iter_bound, max_num_of_concepts_tested, max_runtime, max_results, best_only, calculate_min_max) assert hasattr(refinement_operator, "expressivity"), f"CLIP was developed to run more efficiently with ExpressRefinement, not {refinement_operator}" self.predictor_name = predictor_name self.pretrained_predictor_name = pretrained_predictor_name self.knowledge_base_path = knowledge_base_path self.load_pretrained = load_pretrained self.num_workers = num_workers self.output_size = output_size self.num_examples = num_examples self.path_of_embeddings = path_of_embeddings assert os.path.isfile(self.path_of_embeddings), '!!! Wrong path for CLIP embeddings' self.instance_embeddings = pd.read_csv(path_of_embeddings, index_col=0) self.input_size = self.instance_embeddings.shape[1] self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.length_predictor = self.get_length_predictor()
[docs] def get_length_predictor(self): def load_model(predictor_name, load_pretrained): if predictor_name is None: return [] if predictor_name == 'SetTransformer': model = LengthLearner_SetTransformer(self.input_size, self.output_size, proj_dim=256, num_heads=4, num_seeds=1, num_inds=32) elif predictor_name == 'GRU': model = LengthLearner_GRU(self.input_size, self.output_size, proj_dim=256, rnn_n_layers=2, drop_prob=0.2) elif predictor_name == 'LSTM': model = LengthLearner_LSTM(self.input_size, self.output_size, proj_dim=256, rnn_n_layers=2, drop_prob=0.2) elif predictor_name == 'CNN': model = LengthLearner_CNN(self.input_size, self.output_size, self.num_examples, proj_dim=256, kernel_size=[[5, 7], [5, 7]], stride=[[3, 3], [3, 3]]) pretrained_model_path = self.path_of_embeddings.split("embeddings")[ 0] + "trained_models/trained_" + predictor_name + ".pt" if load_pretrained and os.path.isfile(pretrained_model_path): model.load_state_dict(torch.load(pretrained_model_path, map_location=self.device)) model.eval() print("\n Loaded length predictor!") return model if not self.load_pretrained: return [load_model(self.predictor_name, self.load_pretrained)] elif self.load_pretrained and isinstance(self.pretrained_predictor_name, str): return [load_model(self.pretrained_predictor_name, self.load_pretrained)] elif self.load_pretrained and isinstance(self.pretrained_predictor_name, list): return [load_model(name, self.load_pretrained) for name in self.pretrained_predictor_name]
[docs] def refresh(self): self.length_predictor = self.get_length_predictor()
[docs] def collate_batch(self, batch): pos_emb_list = [] neg_emb_list = [] target_labels = [] for pos_emb, neg_emb, label in batch: if pos_emb.ndim != 2: pos_emb = pos_emb.reshape(1, -1) if neg_emb.ndim != 2: neg_emb = neg_emb.reshape(1, -1) pos_emb_list.append(pos_emb) neg_emb_list.append(neg_emb) target_labels.append(label) pos_emb_list[0] = F.pad(pos_emb_list[0], (0, 0, 0, self.num_examples - pos_emb_list[0].shape[0]), "constant", 0) pos_emb_list = pad_sequence(pos_emb_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) neg_emb_list[0] = F.pad(neg_emb_list[0], (0, 0, 0, self.num_examples - neg_emb_list[0].shape[0]), "constant", 0) neg_emb_list = pad_sequence(neg_emb_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) return pos_emb_list, neg_emb_list, torch.LongTensor(target_labels)
[docs] def collate_batch_inference(self, batch): pos_emb_list = [] neg_emb_list = [] for pos_emb, neg_emb in batch: if pos_emb.ndim != 2: pos_emb = pos_emb.reshape(1, -1) if neg_emb.ndim != 2: neg_emb = neg_emb.reshape(1, -1) pos_emb_list.append(pos_emb) neg_emb_list.append(neg_emb) pos_emb_list[0] = F.pad(pos_emb_list[0], (0, 0, 0, self.num_examples - pos_emb_list[0].shape[0]), "constant", 0) pos_emb_list = pad_sequence(pos_emb_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) neg_emb_list[0] = F.pad(neg_emb_list[0], (0, 0, 0, self.num_examples - neg_emb_list[0].shape[0]), "constant", 0) neg_emb_list = pad_sequence(neg_emb_list, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) return pos_emb_list, neg_emb_list
[docs] def pos_neg_to_tensor(self, pos: Union[Set[OWLNamedIndividual]], neg: Union[Set[OWLNamedIndividual], Set[str]]): if isinstance(pos[0], OWLNamedIndividual): pos_str = [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in pos][:self.num_examples] neg_str = [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in neg][:self.num_examples] elif isinstance(pos[0], str): pos_str = pos[:self.num_examples] neg_str = neg[:self.num_examples] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid input type, was expecting OWLNamedIndividual or str but found {type(pos[0])}") assert self.load_pretrained and self.pretrained_predictor_name, \ "No pretrained model found. Please first train length predictors, see the <<train>> method below" dataset = CLIPDataLoaderInference([("", pos_str, neg_str)], self.instance_embeddings, False, False) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1, num_workers=self.num_workers, collate_fn=self.collate_batch_inference, shuffle=False) x_pos, x_neg = next(iter(dataloader)) return x_pos, x_neg
[docs] def predict_length(self, models, x1, x2): for i, model in enumerate(models): model.eval() x1 = x2 = if i == 0: scores = model(x1, x2) else: sc = model(x1, x2) scores = scores + sc scores = scores / len(models) prediction = int(scores.argmax(1).cpu()) print(f"\n***** Predicted length: {prediction} *****\n") return prediction
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Find hypotheses that explain pos and neg. """ self.clean() max_runtime = kwargs.pop("max_runtime", None) learning_problem = self.construct_learning_problem(PosNegLPStandard, args, kwargs) assert not self.search_tree self._learning_problem = learning_problem.encode_kb(self.kb) if max_runtime is not None: self._max_runtime = max_runtime else: self._max_runtime = self.max_runtime if (self.pretrained_predictor_name is not None) and (self.length_predictor is not None): x_pos, x_neg = self.pos_neg_to_tensor(list(self._learning_problem.kb_pos)[:self.num_examples], list(self._learning_problem.kb_neg)[:self.num_examples]) max_length = self.predict_length(self.length_predictor, x_pos, x_neg) self.operator.max_child_length = max_length print(f'***** Predicted length: {max_length} *****') else: print('\n!!! No length predictor provided, running CLIP without length predictor !!!') root = self.make_node(_concept_operand_sorter.sort(self.start_class), is_root=True) self._add_node(root, None) assert len(self.heuristic_queue) == 1 # TODO:CD:suggest to add another assert,e.g. assert #. of instance in root > 1 self.start_time = time.time() for j in range(1, self.iter_bound): most_promising = self.next_node_to_expand(j) tree_parent = self.tree_node(most_promising) minimum_length = most_promising.h_exp if logger.isEnabledFor(oplogging.TRACE): logger.debug("now refining %s", most_promising) for ref in self.downward_refinement(most_promising): # we ignore all refinements with lower length # (this also avoids duplicate node children) # TODO: ignore too high depth if ref.len < minimum_length: # ignoring refinement, it does not satisfy minimum_length condition continue # note: tree_parent has to be equal to node_tree_parent(ref.parent_node)! added = self._add_node(ref, tree_parent) goal_found = added and ref.quality == 1.0 if goal_found and self.terminate_on_goal: return self.terminate() if self.calculate_min_max: # This is purely a statistical function, it does not influence CELOE self.update_min_max_horiz_exp(most_promising) if time.time() - self.start_time > self._max_runtime: return self.terminate() if self.number_of_tested_concepts >= self.max_num_of_concepts_tested: return self.terminate() if logger.isEnabledFor(oplogging.TRACE) and j % 100 == 0: self._log_current_best(j) return self.terminate()
[docs] def train(self, data: Iterable[List[Tuple]], epochs=300, batch_size=256, learning_rate=1e-3, decay_rate=0.0, clip_value=5.0, save_model=True, storage_path=None, optimizer='Adam', record_runtime=True, example_sizes=None, shuffle_examples=False): train_dataset = CLIPDataLoader(data, self.instance_embeddings, shuffle_examples=shuffle_examples, example_sizes=example_sizes) train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, collate_fn=self.collate_batch, shuffle=True) if storage_path is None: storage_path = self.knowledge_base_path[:self.knowledge_base_path.rfind("/")] elif not os.path.exists(storage_path): os.mkdir(storage_path) trainer = CLIPTrainer(self, epochs=epochs, learning_rate=learning_rate, decay_rate=decay_rate, clip_value=clip_value, storage_path=storage_path) trainer.train(train_dataloader, save_model, optimizer, record_runtime)
[docs] class NCES(BaseNCES): """Neural Class Expression Synthesis.""" def __init__(self, knowledge_base_path, quality_func: Optional[AbstractScorer] = None, num_predictions=5, learner_name="SetTransformer", path_of_embeddings="", proj_dim=128, rnn_n_layers=2, drop_prob=0.1, num_heads=4, num_seeds=1, num_inds=32, ln=False, learning_rate=1e-4, decay_rate=0.0, clip_value=5.0, batch_size=256, num_workers=8, max_length=48, load_pretrained=True, sorted_examples=False, pretrained_model_name=None): super().__init__(knowledge_base_path, learner_name, path_of_embeddings, batch_size, learning_rate, decay_rate, clip_value, num_workers) self.quality_func = quality_func self.num_predictions = num_predictions self.path_of_embeddings = path_of_embeddings self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.max_length = max_length self.proj_dim = proj_dim self.rnn_n_layers = rnn_n_layers self.drop_prob = drop_prob self.num_heads = num_heads self.num_seeds = num_seeds self.num_inds = num_inds self.ln = ln self.load_pretrained = load_pretrained self.sorted_examples = sorted_examples self.pretrained_model_name = pretrained_model_name self.model = self.get_synthesizer() self.dl_parser = DLSyntaxParser(namespace=self.kb_namespace) self.best_predictions = None
[docs] def get_synthesizer(self): def load_model(learner_name, load_pretrained): if learner_name == 'SetTransformer': model = SetTransformer(self.knowledge_base_path, self.vocab, self.inv_vocab, self.max_length, self.input_size, self.proj_dim, self.num_heads, self.num_seeds, self.num_inds, self.ln) elif learner_name == 'GRU': model = GRU(self.knowledge_base_path, self.vocab, self.inv_vocab, self.max_length, self.input_size, self.proj_dim, self.rnn_n_layers, self.drop_prob) elif learner_name == 'LSTM': model = LSTM(self.knowledge_base_path, self.vocab, self.inv_vocab, self.max_length, self.input_size, self.proj_dim, self.rnn_n_layers, self.drop_prob) if load_pretrained: model_path = self.path_of_embeddings.split("embeddings")[ 0] + "trained_models/trained_" + learner_name + ".pt" model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path, map_location=self.device)) model.eval() print("\n Loaded synthesizer model!") return model if not self.load_pretrained: return [load_model(self.learner_name, self.load_pretrained)] elif self.load_pretrained and isinstance(self.pretrained_model_name, str): return [load_model(self.pretrained_model_name, self.load_pretrained)] elif self.load_pretrained and isinstance(self.pretrained_model_name, list): return [load_model(name, self.load_pretrained) for name in self.pretrained_model_name]
[docs] def refresh(self): self.model = self.get_synthesizer()
[docs] def sample_examples(self, pos, neg): assert type(pos[0]) == type(neg[0]), "The two iterables pos and neg must be of same type" num_ex = self.num_examples if min(len(pos), len(neg)) >= num_ex // 2: if len(pos) > len(neg): num_neg_ex = num_ex // 2 num_pos_ex = num_ex - num_neg_ex else: num_pos_ex = num_ex // 2 num_neg_ex = num_ex - num_pos_ex elif len(pos) + len(neg) >= num_ex and len(pos) > len(neg): num_neg_ex = len(neg) num_pos_ex = num_ex - num_neg_ex elif len(pos) + len(neg) >= num_ex and len(pos) < len(neg): num_pos_ex = len(pos) num_neg_ex = num_ex - num_pos_ex else: num_pos_ex = len(pos) num_neg_ex = len(neg) positive = random.sample(pos, min(num_pos_ex, len(pos))) negative = random.sample(neg, min(num_neg_ex, len(neg))) return positive, negative
[docs] def get_prediction(self, models, x1, x2): for i, model in enumerate(models): model.eval() x1 = x2 = if i == 0: _, scores = model(x1, x2) else: _, sc = model(x1, x2) scores = scores + sc scores = scores / len(models) prediction = model.inv_vocab[scores.argmax(1).cpu()] return prediction
[docs] def fit_one(self, pos: Union[Set[OWLNamedIndividual], Set[str]], neg: Union[Set[OWLNamedIndividual], Set[str]], verbose=False): if isinstance(pos[0], OWLNamedIndividual): pos_str = [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in pos] neg_str = [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in neg] elif isinstance(pos[0], str): pos_str = pos neg_str = neg else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid input type, was expecting OWLNamedIndividual or str but found {type(pos[0])}") Pos = [random.sample(pos_str, len(pos_str)) for _ in range(self.num_predictions)] Neg = [random.sample(neg_str, len(neg_str)) for _ in range(self.num_predictions)] assert self.load_pretrained and self.pretrained_model_name, \ "No pretrained model found. Please first train NCES, see the <<train>> method below" dataset = NCESDataLoaderInference([("", Pos_str, Neg_str) for (Pos_str, Neg_str) in zip(Pos, Neg)], self.instance_embeddings, self.vocab, self.inv_vocab, False, self.sorted_examples) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, collate_fn=self.collate_batch_inference, shuffle=False) x_pos, x_neg = next(iter(dataloader)) simpleSolution = SimpleSolution(list(self.vocab), self.atomic_concept_names) predictions_raw = self.get_prediction(self.model, x_pos, x_neg) predictions = [] for prediction in predictions_raw: try: prediction_str = "".join(before_pad(prediction.squeeze())) concept = self.dl_parser.parse(prediction_str) except: prediction_str = simpleSolution.predict("".join(before_pad(prediction.squeeze()))) concept = self.dl_parser.parse(prediction_str) if verbose: print("Prediction: ", prediction_str) predictions.append(concept) return predictions
[docs] def fit(self, pos: Union[Set[OWLNamedIndividual], Set[str]], neg: Union[Set[OWLNamedIndividual], Set[str]], verbose=False, **kwargs): if isinstance(pos, set) or isinstance(pos, frozenset): pos_list = list(pos) neg_list = list(neg) if self.sorted_examples: pos_list = sorted(pos_list) neg_list = sorted(neg_list) else: raise ValueError(f"Expected pos and neg to be sets, got {type(pos)} and {type(neg)}") predictions = self.fit_one(pos_list, neg_list, verbose=verbose) predictions_as_nodes = [] for concept in predictions: try: concept_individuals_count = self.kb.individuals_count(concept) except AttributeError: concept = self.dl_parser.parse('⊤') concept_individuals_count = self.kb.individuals_count(concept) concept_length = init_length_metric().length(concept) concept_instances = set(self.kb.individuals(concept)) if isinstance(pos_list[0], OWLNamedIndividual) else set( [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in self.kb.individuals(concept)]) tp, fn, fp, tn = compute_tp_fn_fp_tn(concept_instances, pos, neg) quality = self.quality_func.score2(tp, fn, fp, tn)[1] node = NCESNode(concept, length=concept_length, individuals_count=concept_individuals_count, quality=quality) predictions_as_nodes.append(node) predictions_as_nodes = sorted(predictions_as_nodes, key=lambda x: -x.quality) self.best_predictions = predictions_as_nodes return self
[docs] def best_hypotheses(self, n=1) -> Union[OWLClassExpression, Iterable[OWLClassExpression]]: if self.best_predictions is None: print("NCES needs to be fitted to a problem first") return None elif len(self.best_predictions) == 1 or n == 1: return self.best_predictions[0].concept else: return self.best_predictions[:n]
[docs] def convert_to_list_str_from_iterable(self, data): target_concept_str, examples = data[0], data[1:] pos = list(examples[0]) neg = list(examples[1]) if isinstance(pos[0], OWLNamedIndividual): pos_str = [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in pos] neg_str = [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in neg] elif isinstance(pos[0], str): pos_str, neg_str = list(pos), list(neg) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid input type, was expecting OWLNamedIndividual or str but found {type(pos[0])}") if self.sorted_examples: pos_str, neg_str = sorted(pos_str), sorted(neg_str) return (target_concept_str, pos_str, neg_str)
[docs] def fit_from_iterable(self, dataset: Union[List[Tuple[str, Set[OWLNamedIndividual], Set[OWLNamedIndividual]]], List[Tuple[str, Set[str], Set[str]]]], shuffle_examples=False, verbose=False, **kwargs) -> List: """ - Dataset is a list of tuples where the first items are strings corresponding to target concepts. - This function returns predictions as owl class expressions, not nodes as in fit """ assert self.load_pretrained and self.pretrained_model_name, \ "No pretrained model found. Please first train NCES, refer to the <<train>> method" dataset = [self.convert_to_list_str_from_iterable(datapoint) for datapoint in dataset] dataset = NCESDataLoaderInference(dataset, self.instance_embeddings, self.vocab, self.inv_vocab, shuffle_examples) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, collate_fn=self.collate_batch_inference, shuffle=False) simpleSolution = SimpleSolution(list(self.vocab), self.atomic_concept_names) predictions_as_owl_class_expressions = [] predictions_str = [] for x_pos, x_neg in dataloader: predictions = self.get_prediction(self.model, x_pos, x_neg) for prediction in predictions: try: prediction_str = "".join(before_pad(prediction)) ce = self.dl_parser.parse(prediction_str) predictions_str.append(prediction_str) except: prediction_str = simpleSolution.predict("".join(before_pad(prediction))) predictions_str.append(prediction_str) ce = self.dl_parser.parse(prediction_str) predictions_as_owl_class_expressions.append(ce) if verbose: print("Predictions: ", predictions_str) return predictions_as_owl_class_expressions
[docs] def train(self, data: Iterable[List[Tuple]], epochs=300, batch_size=None, learning_rate=1e-4, decay_rate=0.0, clip_value=5.0, num_workers=8, save_model=True, storage_path=None, optimizer='Adam', record_runtime=True, example_sizes=None, shuffle_examples=False): if batch_size is None: batch_size = self.batch_size train_dataset = NCESDataLoader(data, self.instance_embeddings, self.vocab, self.inv_vocab, shuffle_examples=shuffle_examples, max_length=self.max_length, example_sizes=example_sizes) train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=self.num_workers, collate_fn=self.collate_batch, shuffle=True) if storage_path is None: storage_path = self.knowledge_base_path[:self.knowledge_base_path.rfind("/")] elif not os.path.exists(storage_path): os.mkdir(storage_path) trainer = NCESTrainer(self, epochs=epochs, learning_rate=learning_rate, decay_rate=decay_rate, clip_value=clip_value, num_workers=num_workers, storage_path=storage_path) trainer.train(train_dataloader, save_model, optimizer, record_runtime)