Source code for ontolearn.ea_initialization

"""Initialization for evolutionary algorithms."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import lru_cache
from enum import Enum, auto
from itertools import chain, cycle

from owlapy.class_expression import OWLClass, OWLClassExpression, OWLThing
from owlapy.owl_individual import OWLNamedIndividual
from owlapy.owl_literal import OWLLiteral
from owlapy.owl_property import OWLDataProperty, OWLObjectProperty

from ontolearn.ea_utils import OperatorVocabulary, Tree, escape, owlliteral_to_primitive_string
from ontolearn.knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
import random
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Final, List, Set, Union
from import Primitive, PrimitiveSetTyped

[docs] class RandomInitMethod(Enum): GROW: Final = auto() #: FULL: Final = auto() #: RAMPED_HALF_HALF: Final = auto() #:
[docs] class AbstractEAInitialization(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract base class for initialization methods for evolutionary algorithms. """ __slots__ = () @abstractmethod def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_population(self, container: Callable, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, population_size: int = 0) -> List[Tree]: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_expression(self, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped) -> Tree: pass
[docs] class EARandomInitialization(AbstractEAInitialization): """Rnndom initialization methods for evolutionary algorithms. """ __slots__ = 'min_height', 'max_height', 'method' min_height: int max_height: int method: RandomInitMethod def __init__(self, min_height: int = 3, max_height: int = 6, method: RandomInitMethod = RandomInitMethod.RAMPED_HALF_HALF): """ Args: min_height: Minimum height of trees. max_height: Maximum height of trees. method: Random initialization method possible values: rhh, grow, full. """ self.min_height = min_height self.max_height = max_height self.method = method
[docs] def get_population(self, container: Callable, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, population_size: int = 0) -> List[Tree]: return [container(self.get_expression(pset)) for _ in range(population_size)]
[docs] def get_expression(self, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, type_: type = None) -> Tree: if type_ is None: type_ = pset.ret use_grow = (self.method == RandomInitMethod.GROW or (self.method == RandomInitMethod.RAMPED_HALF_HALF and random.random() < 0.5)) expr: Tree = [] height = random.randint(self.min_height, self.max_height) self._build_tree(expr, pset, height, 0, type_, use_grow) return expr
def _build_tree(self, tree, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, height: int, current_height: int, type_: type, use_grow: bool): if current_height == height or len(pset.primitives[type_]) == 0: tree.append(random.choice(pset.terminals[type_])) else: operators = [] if use_grow and current_height >= self.min_height: operators = pset.primitives[type_] + pset.terminals[type_] else: operators = pset.primitives[type_] operator = random.choice(operators) tree.append(operator) if isinstance(operator, Primitive): for arg_type in operator.args: self._build_tree(tree, pset, height, current_height+1, arg_type, use_grow)
Property = Union[OWLObjectProperty, OWLDataProperty] Object = Union[OWLNamedIndividual, OWLLiteral]
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class PropObjPair: property_: Property object_: Object
[docs] class EARandomWalkInitialization(AbstractEAInitialization): """Random walk initialization for description logic learning. """ __slots__ = 'max_t', 'jump_pr', 'type_counts', 'dp_to_prim_type', 'dp_splits', 'kb' connection_pr: float = 0.5 _cache_size: int = 2048 max_t: int jump_pr: float type_counts: Dict[OWLClass, int] dp_to_prim_type: Dict[OWLDataProperty, Any] dp_splits: Dict[OWLDataProperty, List[OWLLiteral]] kb: KnowledgeBase def __init__(self, max_t: int = 2, jump_pr: float = 0.5): """ Random walk initialization for description logic learning. Args: max_t: Number of paths. jump_pr: Probability to explore paths of length 2. """ self.max_t = max_t self.jump_pr = jump_pr self.type_counts = dict() self.dp_to_prim_type = dict() self.dp_splits = dict()
[docs] def get_population(self, container: Callable, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, population_size: int = 0, pos: List[OWLNamedIndividual] = None, dp_to_prim_type: Dict[OWLDataProperty, Any] = None, dp_splits: Dict[OWLDataProperty, List[OWLLiteral]] = None, kb: KnowledgeBase = None) -> List[Tree]: assert pos is not None assert kb is not None assert dp_to_prim_type is not None assert dp_splits is not None self.dp_to_prim_type = dp_to_prim_type self.dp_splits = dp_splits self.kb = kb self.type_counts = self._compute_type_counts(pos) count = 0 population = [] for ind in cycle(pos): population.append(container(self.get_expression(pset, ind))) count += 1 if count == population_size: break return population
[docs] def get_expression(self, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, ind: OWLNamedIndividual = None) -> Tree: assert ind is not None type_ = self._select_type(ind) pairs = self._select_pairs(self._get_properties(ind), ind) expr: Tree = [] if len(pairs) > 0: self._add_intersection_or_union(expr, pset) self._add_object_terminal(expr, pset, type_) for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs): if idx != len(pairs) - 1: self._add_intersection_or_union(expr, pset) if isinstance(pair.property_, OWLObjectProperty): self._build_object_property(expr, ind, pair, pset) elif isinstance(pair.property_, OWLDataProperty): if pair.property_ in self.kb.get_boolean_data_properties(): self._build_bool_property(expr, pair, pset) elif pair.property_ in chain(self.kb.get_time_data_properties(), self.kb.get_numeric_data_properties()): self._build_split_property(expr, pair, pset) else: raise NotImplementedError(pair.property_) return expr
def _compute_type_counts(self, pos: List[OWLNamedIndividual]) -> Dict[OWLClass, int]: types = chain.from_iterable((self._get_types(ind, direct=True) for ind in pos)) type_counts = dict.fromkeys(types, 0) for ind in pos: common_types = type_counts.keys() & self._get_types(ind) for t in common_types: type_counts[t] += 1 return type_counts def _select_type(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual) -> OWLClass: types_ind = list(self.type_counts.keys() & self._get_types(ind)) weights = [self.type_counts[t] for t in types_ind] return random.choices(types_ind, weights=weights)[0] @lru_cache(maxsize=_cache_size) def _get_types(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, direct: bool = False) -> Set[OWLClass]: inds = set(self.kb.get_types(ind, direct)) return inds if inds else {OWLThing} @lru_cache(maxsize=_cache_size) def _get_properties(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual) -> List[Property]: properties: List[Property] = list(self.kb.get_object_properties_for_ind(ind)) for p in self.kb.get_data_properties_for_ind(ind): if p in self.dp_to_prim_type: properties.append(p) return properties def _select_pairs(self, properties: List[Property], ind: OWLNamedIndividual) -> List[PropObjPair]: ind_nbrs: Dict[Property, List[Object]] = dict() ind_nbrs = {p: self._get_property_values(ind, p) for p in properties} pairs = [] if len(properties) < self.max_t: pairs = [PropObjPair(p, random.choice(ind_nbrs[p])) for p in properties] else: temp_props = random.sample(properties, k=self.max_t) pairs = [PropObjPair(p, random.choice(ind_nbrs[p])) for p in temp_props] # If not enough pairs selected, also taking duplicate properties to different objects temp_pairs = [] if len(pairs) < self.max_t: temp_pairs = [PropObjPair(p, o) for p in properties for o in ind_nbrs[p] if PropObjPair(p, o) not in pairs] remaining_pairs = self.max_t - len(pairs) if len(temp_pairs) > remaining_pairs: pairs += random.sample(temp_pairs, k=remaining_pairs) else: pairs += temp_pairs return pairs def _build_object_property(self, expr: Tree, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, pair: PropObjPair, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped): assert isinstance(pair.property_, OWLObjectProperty) self._add_primitive(expr, pset, pair.property_, OperatorVocabulary.EXISTENTIAL) second_ind = pair.object_ assert isinstance(second_ind, OWLNamedIndividual) properties = self._get_properties(second_ind) # Select next path while prohibiting a loop back to the first individual next_pair = None while next_pair is None and len(properties) > 1: temp_prop = random.choice(properties) objs = self._get_property_values(second_ind, temp_prop) if isinstance(temp_prop, OWLObjectProperty): try: objs.remove(ind) except ValueError: pass if len(objs) > 0: next_pair = PropObjPair(temp_prop, random.choice(objs)) properties.remove(temp_prop) if next_pair is not None and random.random() < self.jump_pr: if isinstance(next_pair.property_, OWLObjectProperty): self._add_primitive(expr, pset, next_pair.property_, OperatorVocabulary.EXISTENTIAL) assert isinstance(next_pair.object_, OWLNamedIndividual) type_ = random.choice(list(self._get_types(next_pair.object_))) self._add_object_terminal(expr, pset, type_) elif isinstance(next_pair.property_, OWLDataProperty): if next_pair.property_ in self.kb.get_boolean_data_properties(): self._build_bool_property(expr, next_pair, pset) elif next_pair.property_ in chain(self.kb.get_time_data_properties(), self.kb.get_numeric_data_properties()): self._build_split_property(expr, next_pair, pset) else: raise NotImplementedError(next_pair.property_) else: type_ = random.choice(list(self._get_types(second_ind))) self._add_object_terminal(expr, pset, type_) def _build_bool_property(self, expr: Tree, pair: PropObjPair, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped): assert isinstance(pair.property_, OWLDataProperty) assert isinstance(pair.object_, OWLLiteral) self._add_primitive(expr, pset, pair.property_, OperatorVocabulary.DATA_HAS_VALUE) self._add_data_terminal(expr, pset, pair.property_, pair.object_) def _build_split_property(self, expr: Tree, pair: PropObjPair, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped): assert isinstance(pair.property_, OWLDataProperty) assert isinstance(pair.object_, OWLLiteral) splits = self.dp_splits[pair.property_] nearest_value = min(splits, key=lambda k: abs(k.to_python()-pair.object_.to_python())) if len(splits) > 0 else 0 vocab = OperatorVocabulary.DATA_MIN_INCLUSIVE \ if nearest_value.to_python() <= pair.object_.to_python() else OperatorVocabulary.DATA_MAX_INCLUSIVE self._add_primitive(expr, pset, pair.property_, vocab) self._add_data_terminal(expr, pset, pair.property_, nearest_value) @lru_cache(maxsize=_cache_size) def _get_property_values(self, ind: OWLNamedIndividual, property_: Property) -> List[Object]: if isinstance(property_, OWLObjectProperty): return list(self.kb.get_object_property_values(ind, property_)) elif isinstance(property_, OWLDataProperty): return list(self.kb.get_data_property_values(ind, property_)) else: raise NotImplementedError(property_) def _add_intersection_or_union(self, expr: Tree, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped): if random.random() <= EARandomWalkInitialization.connection_pr: expr.append(pset.primitives[OWLClassExpression][2]) else: expr.append(pset.primitives[OWLClassExpression][1]) def _add_object_terminal(self, expr: Tree, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, type_: OWLClass): for t in pset.terminals[OWLClassExpression]: if == escape(type_.iri.get_remainder()): expr.append(t) return def _add_data_terminal(self, expr: Tree, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, property_: OWLDataProperty, object_: OWLLiteral): for t in pset.terminals[self.dp_to_prim_type[property_]]: if == owlliteral_to_primitive_string(object_, property_): expr.append(t) return def _add_primitive(self, expr: Tree, pset: PrimitiveSetTyped, property_: Property, vocab: OperatorVocabulary): for p in pset.primitives[OWLClassExpression]: if == vocab + escape(property_.iri.get_remainder()): expr.append(p) return