Source code for ontolearn.experiments

"""Experiments to validate a concept learning model."""

import json
import time
from random import shuffle
from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Dict, Any, Iterable

import numpy as np
from owlapy.iri import IRI
from owlapy.owl_individual import OWLNamedIndividual
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

[docs] class Experiments: def __init__(self, max_test_time_per_concept=3): self.random_state_k_fold = 1 self.max_test_time_per_concept = max_test_time_per_concept
[docs] @staticmethod def store_report(model, learning_problems: List[Iterable], test_report: List[dict]) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """ Create a report for concepts generated for a particular learning problem. Args: model: Concept learner. learning_problems: A list of learning problems (lps) where lp corresponds to target concept, positive and negative examples, respectively. test_report: A list of predictions (preds) where test_report => { 'Prediction': str, 'F-measure': float, 'Accuracy', 'Runtime':float}. Returns: Both report as string and report as dictionary. """ assert len(learning_problems) == len(test_report) assert isinstance(learning_problems, list) # and isinstance(learning_problems[0], list) assert isinstance(test_report, list) and isinstance(test_report[0], dict) store_json = dict() print('###############') """ (1) Convert E^+ and E^- into strings to store them in JSON format """ for (th, lp, pred) in zip(range(len(learning_problems)), learning_problems, test_report): report = dict() target_class_expression, typed_positive, typed_negative = lp report.update(pred) report['Positives'], report['Negatives'] = [owl_indv.str for owl_indv in typed_positive], \ [owl_indv.str for owl_indv in typed_negative] store_json[th] = report print('##################') """ (2) Serialize classification report """ with open(model.storage_path + '/classification_reports.json', 'w') as file_descriptor: json.dump(store_json, file_descriptor, indent=3) del store_json """ (3) Deserialize (2) for the sake of validating its correctness""" with open(model.storage_path + '/classification_reports.json', 'r') as read_file: report = json.load(read_file) array_res = np.array( [[v['F-measure'], v['Accuracy'], v['NumClassTested'], v['Runtime']] for k, v in report.items()]) # Extract Infos f1, acc, num_concept_tested, runtime = array_res[:, 0], array_res[:, 1], array_res[:, 2], array_res[:, 3] del array_res report_str = '{}\t' \ ' F-measure:(avg.{:.2f} | std.{:.2f})\t' \ 'Accuracy:(avg.{:.2f} | std.{:.2f})\t\t' \ 'NumClassTested:(avg.{:.2f} | std.{:.2f})\t' \ 'Runtime:(avg.{:.2f} | std.{:.2f})'.format(, f1.mean(), f1.std(), acc.mean(), acc.std(), num_concept_tested.mean(), num_concept_tested.std(), runtime.mean(), runtime.std()) return report_str, {'F-measure': f1, 'Accuracy': acc, 'NumClassTested': num_concept_tested, 'Runtime': runtime}
[docs] def start_KFold(self, k=None, dataset: List[Tuple[str, Set, Set]] = None, models: Iterable = None): """ Perform KFold cross validation. Args: models: concept learners. k: k value of k-fold. dataset: A list of tuples where a tuple (i,j,k) where i denotes the target concept j denotes the set of positive examples and k denotes the set of negative examples. Note: This method returns nothing. It just prints the report results. """ models = {i for i in models} assert len(models) > 0 assert len(dataset) > 0 assert isinstance(dataset[0], tuple) assert isinstance(dataset[0], tuple) assert k dataset = np.array(dataset) # due to indexing feature required in the sklearn.KFold. kf = KFold(n_splits=k, random_state=self.random_state_k_fold, shuffle=True) results = dict() counter = 1 for train_index, test_index in kf.split(dataset): train, test = dataset[train_index].tolist(), dataset[test_index].tolist() print(f'##### FOLD:{counter} #####') start_time_fold = time.time() for m in models: m.train(train) test_report: List[dict] = m.fit_from_iterable(test, max_runtime=self.max_test_time_per_concept) report_str, report_dict = self.store_report(m, test, test_report) results.setdefault(, []).append((counter, report_dict)) print(f'##### FOLD:{counter} took {round(time.time() - start_time_fold)} seconds #####') counter += 1 self.report_results(results)
[docs] def start(self, dataset: List[Tuple[str, Set, Set]] = None, models: List = None): assert len(models) > 0 assert len(dataset) > 0 assert isinstance(dataset[0], tuple) assert isinstance(dataset[0], tuple) shuffle(dataset) """ (1) Convert string representation of positive and negative examples into OWLNamedIndividual """ for i in range(len(dataset)): t, p, n = dataset[i] typed_pos = set(map(OWLNamedIndividual, map(IRI.create, p))) typed_neg = set(map(OWLNamedIndividual, map(IRI.create, n))) dataset[i] = (t, typed_pos, typed_neg) results = dict() counter = 1 """ (1) Predict OWL Class Expression """ for m in models: print( f'{} starts on {len(dataset)} number of problems. ' f'Max Runtime per problem is set to {self.max_test_time_per_concept} seconds.') test_report: List[dict] = m.fit_from_iterable(dataset, max_runtime=self.max_test_time_per_concept) str_report, dict_report = self.store_report(m, dataset, test_report) results.setdefault(, []).append((counter, dict_report)) self.report_results(results, num_problems=len(dataset))
[docs] @staticmethod def report_results(results, num_problems): """Prints the result generated from validations. """ print(f'\n##### RESULTS on {num_problems} number of learning problems#####') for learner_name, v in results.items(): r = np.array([[report['F-measure'], report['Accuracy'], report['NumClassTested'], report['Runtime']] for (fold, report) in v]) f1_mean, f1_std = r[:, 0].mean(), r[:, 0].std() acc_mean, acc_std = r[:, 1].mean(), r[:, 1].std() num_concept_tested_mean, num_concept_tested_std = r[:, 2].mean(), r[:, 2].std() runtime_mean, runtime_std = r[:, 3].mean(), r[:, 3].std() print( f'{learner_name}\t' f' F-measure:(avg. {f1_mean:.2f} | std. {f1_std:.2f})\t' f'Accuracy:(avg. {acc_mean:.2f} | std. {acc_std:.2f})\t\t' f'NumClassTested:(avg. {num_concept_tested_mean:.2f} | std. {num_concept_tested_std:.2f})\t\t' f'Runtime:(avg.{runtime_mean:.2f} | std.{runtime_std:.2f})')