Source code for ontolearn.learners.drill

import pandas as pd
import json
from owlapy.class_expression import OWLClassExpression
from owlapy.owl_individual import OWLNamedIndividual
from owlapy import owl_expression_to_dl
from ontolearn.base_concept_learner import RefinementBasedConceptLearner
from ontolearn.refinement_operators import LengthBasedRefinement
from ontolearn.abstracts import AbstractScorer, AbstractNode
from import RL_State
from typing import Set, List, Tuple, Optional, Generator, SupportsFloat, Iterable, FrozenSet, Callable, Union
from ontolearn.learning_problem import PosNegLPStandard, EncodedPosNegLPStandard
import torch
from ontolearn.data_struct import Experience
from import DRILLSearchTreePriorityQueue
from ontolearn.utils import create_experiment_folder
from collections import Counter, deque
from itertools import chain
import time
import dicee
import os
from owlapy import owl_expression_to_dl
# F1 class will be deprecated to become compute_f1_score function.
from ontolearn.metrics import F1
from ontolearn.utils.static_funcs import compute_f1_score
import random
from ontolearn.heuristics import CeloeBasedReward
import torch
from ontolearn.data_struct import PrepareBatchOfTraining, PrepareBatchOfPrediction
from tqdm import tqdm
from ..base.owl.utils import OWLClassExpressionLengthMetric

[docs] class Drill(RefinementBasedConceptLearner): """ Neuro-Symbolic Class Expression Learning (""" def __init__(self, knowledge_base, path_embeddings: str = None, refinement_operator: LengthBasedRefinement = None, use_inverse=True, use_data_properties=True, use_card_restrictions=True, use_nominals=True, quality_func: Callable = None, reward_func: object = None, batch_size=None, num_workers: int = 1, iter_bound=None, max_num_of_concepts_tested=None, verbose: int = 1, terminate_on_goal=None, max_len_replay_memory=256, epsilon_decay: float = 0.01, epsilon_min: float = 0.0, num_epochs_per_replay: int = 2, num_episodes_per_replay: int = 2, learning_rate: float = 0.001, max_runtime=None, num_of_sequential_actions=3, stop_at_goal=True, num_episode=10): = "DRILL" self.learning_problem = None # (1) Initialize KGE. if path_embeddings and os.path.isfile(path_embeddings): self.df_embeddings = pd.read_csv(path_embeddings, index_col=0).astype('float32') self.num_entities, self.embedding_dim = self.df_embeddings.shape else: print("No pre-trained model...") self.df_embeddings = None self.num_entities, self.embedding_dim = None, 1 # (2) Initialize Refinement operator. if refinement_operator is None: refinement_operator = LengthBasedRefinement(knowledge_base=knowledge_base, use_inverse=use_inverse, use_data_properties=use_data_properties, use_card_restrictions=use_card_restrictions, use_nominals=use_nominals) else: refinement_operator = refinement_operator # (3) Initialize reward function for the training. if reward_func is None: self.reward_func = CeloeBasedReward() else: self.reward_func = reward_func # (4) Params. self.num_workers = num_workers self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.num_episode = num_episode self.num_of_sequential_actions = num_of_sequential_actions self.num_epochs_per_replay = num_epochs_per_replay self.max_len_replay_memory = max_len_replay_memory self.epsilon_decay = epsilon_decay self.epsilon_min = epsilon_min self.batch_size = batch_size self.verbose = verbose self.num_episodes_per_replay = num_episodes_per_replay self.seen_examples = dict() self.emb_pos, self.emb_neg = None, None self.pos: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual] = None self.neg: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual] = None self.start_time = None self.goal_found = False self.storage_path, _ = create_experiment_folder() # Move to here self.search_tree = DRILLSearchTreePriorityQueue() self.stop_at_goal = stop_at_goal self.epsilon = 1 if self.df_embeddings is not None: self.heuristic_func = DrillHeuristic(mode="averaging", model_args={'input_shape': (4, self.embedding_dim), 'first_out_channels': 32, 'second_out_channels': 16, 'third_out_channels': 8, 'kernel_size': 3}) self.experiences = Experience(maxlen=self.max_len_replay_memory) if self.learning_rate: self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(, lr=self.learning_rate) else: self.heuristic_func = CeloeBasedReward() # @CD: RefinementBasedConceptLearner redefines few attributes this should be avoided. RefinementBasedConceptLearner.__init__(self, knowledge_base=knowledge_base, refinement_operator=refinement_operator, quality_func=quality_func, heuristic_func=self.heuristic_func, terminate_on_goal=terminate_on_goal, iter_bound=iter_bound, max_num_of_concepts_tested=max_num_of_concepts_tested, max_runtime=max_runtime) # CD: This setting the valiable will be removed later. self.quality_func = compute_f1_score
[docs] def initialize_training_class_expression_learning_problem(self, pos: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual], neg: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual]) -> RL_State: """ Initialize """ assert isinstance(pos, frozenset) and isinstance(neg, frozenset), "Pos and neg must be sets" assert 0 < len(pos) and 0 < len(neg) # print("Initializing learning problem") # (2) Obtain embeddings of positive and negative examples. self.init_embeddings_of_examples(pos_uri=pos, neg_uri=neg) self.pos = pos self.neg = neg self.emb_pos = self.get_embeddings_individuals(individuals=[i.str for i in self.pos]) self.emb_neg = self.get_embeddings_individuals(individuals=[i.str for i in self.neg]) # (3) Initialize the root state of the quasi-ordered RL env. # print("Initializing Root RL state...", end=" ") root_rl_state = self.create_rl_state(self.start_class, is_root=True) # print("Computing its quality...", end=" ") self.compute_quality_of_class_expression(root_rl_state) # print(f"{root_rl_state}...") self.epsilon = 1 self._number_of_tested_concepts = 0 self.reward_func.lp = self.learning_problem return root_rl_state
[docs] def rl_learning_loop(self, num_episode: int, pos_uri: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual], neg_uri: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual]) -> List[float]: """ Reinforcement Learning Training Loop Initialize RL environment for a given learning problem (E^+ pos_iri and E^- neg_iri ) Training: 2.1 Obtain a trajectory: A sequence of RL states/DL concepts T, Person, (Female and \forall hasSibling Female). Rewards at each transition are also computed """ # (1) Initialize RL environment for training root_rl_state = self.initialize_training_class_expression_learning_problem(pos_uri, neg_uri) sum_of_rewards_per_actions = [] # (2) Reinforcement Learning offline training loop for th in range(num_episode): if self.verbose > 0: print(f"Episode {th + 1}: ", end=" ") # Sequence of decisions start_time = time.time() if self.verbose > 0: print(f"Taking {self.num_of_sequential_actions} actions...", end=" ") sequence_of_states, rewards = self.sequence_of_actions(root_rl_state) if self.verbose > 0: print(f"Runtime {time.time() - start_time:.3f} secs | Max reward: {max(rewards):.3f} | Prob of Explore {self.epsilon:.3f}", end=" | ") # Form experiences self.form_experiences(sequence_of_states, rewards) sum_of_rewards_per_actions.append(sum(rewards)) """(3.2) Learn from experiences""" self.learn_from_replay_memory() """(3.4) Exploration Exploitation""" if self.epsilon < 0: break self.epsilon -= self.epsilon_decay return sum_of_rewards_per_actions
[docs] def train(self, dataset: Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, Set, Set]]] = None, num_of_target_concepts: int = 1, num_learning_problems: int = 1): """ Training RL agent (1) Generate Learning Problems (2) For each learning problem, perform the RL loop """ if isinstance(self.heuristic_func, CeloeBasedReward): print("No training") return self.terminate_training() if self.verbose > 0: training_data = tqdm(self.generate_learning_problems(num_of_target_concepts, num_learning_problems), desc="Training over learning problems") else: training_data = self.generate_learning_problems(num_of_target_concepts, num_learning_problems) for (target_owl_ce, positives, negatives) in training_data: print(f"\nGoal Concept:\t {target_owl_ce}\tE^+:[{len(positives)}]\t E^-:[{len(negatives)}]") sum_of_rewards_per_actions = self.rl_learning_loop(num_episode=self.num_episode, pos_uri=frozenset(positives), neg_uri=frozenset(negatives)) if self.verbose > 0: print("Sum of rewards for each trial", sum_of_rewards_per_actions) self.seen_examples.setdefault(len(self.seen_examples), dict()).update( {'Concept': target_owl_ce, 'Positives': [i.str for i in positives], 'Negatives': [i.str for i in negatives]}) return self.terminate_training()
[docs] def save(self, directory: str) -> None: """ save weights of the deep Q-network""" # (1) Create a folder os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) # (2) Save the weights self.save_weights(path=directory + "/drill.pth") # (3) Save seen examples with open(f"{directory}/seen_examples.json", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(self.seen_examples, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
[docs] def load(self, directory: str = None) -> None: """ load weights of the deep Q-network""" if directory: if os.path.isdir(directory): if isinstance(self.heuristic_func, CeloeBasedReward): print("No loading because embeddings not provided") else: + "/drill.pth", torch.device('cpu'))) else: print(f"{directory} is not found...")
[docs] def fit(self, learning_problem: PosNegLPStandard, max_runtime=None): if max_runtime: assert isinstance(max_runtime, float) or isinstance(max_runtime, int) self.max_runtime = max_runtime self.clean() # (1) Initialize the start time self.start_time = time.time() # (2) Two mappings from a unique OWL Concept to integer, where a unique concept represents the type info # C(x) s.t. x \in E^+ and C(y) s.t. y \in E^-. # print("Counting types of positive examples..") pos_type_counts = Counter( [i for i in chain.from_iterable((self.kb.get_types(ind, direct=True) for ind in learning_problem.pos))]) # print("Counting types of negative examples..") neg_type_counts = Counter( [i for i in chain.from_iterable((self.kb.get_types(ind, direct=True) for ind in learning_problem.neg))]) # (3) Favor some OWLClass over others type_bias = pos_type_counts - neg_type_counts # (4) Initialize learning problem root_state = self.initialize_training_class_expression_learning_problem(pos=learning_problem.pos, neg=learning_problem.neg) self.operator.set_input_examples(pos=learning_problem.pos, neg=learning_problem.neg) assert root_state.quality>0, f"Root state {root_state} must have quality >0" # (5) Add root state into search tree root_state.heuristic = root_state.quality self.search_tree.add(root_state) best_found_quality = 0 # (6) Inject Type Bias/Favor for x in (self.create_rl_state(i, parent_node=root_state) for i in type_bias): self.compute_quality_of_class_expression(x) x.heuristic = x.quality if x.quality > best_found_quality: best_found_quality = x.quality self.search_tree.add(x) for _ in tqdm(range(0, self.iter_bound), desc=f"Learning OWL Class Expression at most {self.iter_bound} iteration"): assert len(self.search_tree) > 0 self.search_tree.show_current_search_tree() # (6.1) Get the most fitting RL-state. most_promising = self.next_node_to_expand() next_possible_states = [] # (6.2) Checking the runtime termination criterion. if time.time() - self.start_time > self.max_runtime: return self.terminate() # (6.3) Refine (6.1) # Convert this into tqdm with an update ?! for ref in (tqdm_bar := tqdm(self.apply_refinement(most_promising), position=0, leave=True)): # (6.3.1) Checking the runtime termination criterion. if time.time() - self.start_time > self.max_runtime: break # (6.3.2) Compute the quality stored in the RL state self.compute_quality_of_class_expression(ref) if ref.quality == 0: continue tqdm_bar.set_description_str( f"Step {_} | Refining {owl_expression_to_dl(most_promising.concept)} | {owl_expression_to_dl(ref.concept)} | Quality:{ref.quality:.4f}") if ref.quality > best_found_quality: print("\nBest Found:", ref) best_found_quality = ref.quality # (6.3.3) Consider qualifying RL states as next possible states to transition. next_possible_states.append(ref) # (6.3.4) Checking the goal termination criterion. if self.stop_at_goal: if ref.quality == 1.0: break if not next_possible_states: continue # (6.4) Predict Q-values preds = self.predict_values(current_state=most_promising, next_states=next_possible_states) if self.df_embeddings is not None else None # (6.5) Add next possible states into search tree based on predicted Q values self.goal_found = self.update_search(next_possible_states, preds) if self.goal_found: if self.terminate_on_goal: return self.terminate() return self.terminate()
[docs] def fit_from_iterable(self, dataset: List[Tuple[object, Set[OWLNamedIndividual], Set[OWLNamedIndividual]]], max_runtime: int = None) -> List: """ Dataset is a list of tuples where the first item is either str or OWL class expression indicating target concept. """ if max_runtime: self.max_runtime = max_runtime renderer = DLSyntaxObjectRenderer() results = [] for (target_ce, p, n) in dataset: print(f'TARGET OWL CLASS EXPRESSION:\n{target_ce}') print(f'|Sampled Positive|:{len(p)}\t|Sampled Negative|:{len(n)}') start_time = time.time(), neg=n, max_runtime=max_runtime) rn = time.time() - start_time h: RL_State = next(iter(self.best_hypotheses())) # TODO:CD: We need to remove this first returned boolean for the sake of readability. _, f_measure = F1().score_elp(instances=h.instances_bitset, learning_problem=self._learning_problem) _, accuracy = Accuracy().score_elp(instances=h.instances_bitset, learning_problem=self._learning_problem) report = {'Target': str(target_ce), 'Prediction': renderer.render(h.concept), 'F-measure': f_measure, 'Accuracy': accuracy, 'NumClassTested': self._number_of_tested_concepts, 'Runtime': rn} results.append(report) return results
[docs] def init_embeddings_of_examples(self, pos_uri: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual], neg_uri: FrozenSet[OWLNamedIndividual]): if self.df_embeddings is not None: # Shape:|E^+| x d # @TODO: CD: Why not use self.get_embeddings_individuals(pos_uri) self.pos = pos_uri self.neg = neg_uri self.emb_pos = torch.from_numpy(self.df_embeddings.loc[ [owl_individual.str.strip() for owl_individual in pos_uri]].values) # Shape: |E^+| x d self.emb_neg = torch.from_numpy(self.df_embeddings.loc[ [owl_individual.str.strip() for owl_individual in neg_uri]].values) """ (3) Take the mean of positive and negative examples and reshape it into (1,1,embedding_dim) for mini batching """ # Shape: d self.emb_pos = torch.mean(self.emb_pos, dim=0) # Shape: d self.emb_neg = torch.mean(self.emb_neg, dim=0) # Shape: 1, 1, d self.emb_pos = self.emb_pos.view(1, 1, self.emb_pos.shape[0]) self.emb_neg = self.emb_neg.view(1, 1, self.emb_neg.shape[0]) # Sanity checking if torch.isnan(self.emb_pos).any() or torch.isinf(self.emb_pos).any(): raise ValueError('invalid value detected in E+,\n{0}'.format(self.emb_pos)) if torch.isnan(self.emb_neg).any() or torch.isinf(self.emb_neg).any(): raise ValueError('invalid value detected in E-,\n{0}'.format(self.emb_neg))
[docs] def create_rl_state(self, c: OWLClassExpression, parent_node: Optional[RL_State] = None, is_root: bool = False) -> RL_State: """ Create an RL_State instance.""" rl_state = RL_State(c, parent_node=parent_node, is_root=is_root) # TODO: Will be fixed by rl_state.length = OWLClassExpressionLengthMetric.get_default().length(c) return rl_state
[docs] def compute_quality_of_class_expression(self, state: RL_State) -> None: """ Compute Quality of owl class expression. # (1) Perform concept retrieval # (2) Compute the quality w.r.t. (1), positive and negative examples # (3) Increment the number of tested concepts attribute. """ individuals = frozenset({i for i in self.kb.individuals(state.concept)}) quality = self.quality_func(individuals=individuals, pos=self.pos, neg=self.neg) state.quality = quality self._number_of_tested_concepts += 1
[docs] def apply_refinement(self, rl_state: RL_State) -> Generator: """ Downward refinements""" assert isinstance(rl_state, RL_State), f"It must be rl state {rl_state}" assert isinstance(rl_state.concept, OWLClassExpression) self.operator: LengthBasedRefinement for i in self.operator.refine(rl_state.concept): # O(N) yield self.create_rl_state(i, parent_node=rl_state)
[docs] def select_next_state(self, current_state, next_rl_states) -> Tuple[RL_State, float]: next_selected_rl_state = self.exploration_exploitation_tradeoff(current_state, next_rl_states) return next_selected_rl_state, self.reward_func.apply(current_state, next_selected_rl_state)
[docs] def sequence_of_actions(self, root_rl_state: RL_State) \ -> Tuple[List[Tuple[RL_State, RL_State]], List[SupportsFloat]]: """ Performing sequence of actions in an RL env whose root state is ⊤""" assert isinstance(root_rl_state, RL_State) current_state = root_rl_state path_of_concepts = [] rewards = [] assert current_state.quality > 0 assert current_state.heuristic is None # (1) for _ in range(self.num_of_sequential_actions): assert isinstance(current_state, RL_State) # (1.1) Observe Next RL states, i.e., refine an OWL class expression next_rl_states = list(self.apply_refinement(current_state)) next_selected_rl_state, reward = self.select_next_state(current_state, next_rl_states) # (1.4) Remember the concept path path_of_concepts.append((current_state, next_selected_rl_state)) # (1.5) rewards.append(reward) # (1.6) current_state = next_selected_rl_state return path_of_concepts, rewards
[docs] def form_experiences(self, state_pairs: List, rewards: List) -> None: """ Form experiences from a sequence of concepts and corresponding rewards. state_pairs - A list of tuples containing two consecutive states. reward - A list of reward. Gamma is 1. Return X - A list of embeddings of current concept, next concept, positive examples, negative examples. y - Argmax Q value. """ for th, consecutive_states in enumerate(state_pairs): e, e_next = consecutive_states self.experiences.append( (e, e_next, max(rewards[th:]))) # given e, e_next, Q val is the max Q value reachable.
[docs] def learn_from_replay_memory(self) -> None: """ Learning by replaying memory. """ if isinstance(self.heuristic_func, CeloeBasedReward): return None # print('learn_from_replay_memory', end="\t|\t") current_state_batch: List[torch.FloatTensor] next_state_batch: List[torch.FloatTensor] current_state_batch, next_state_batch, y = self.experiences.retrieve() # N, 1, dim current_state_batch =, dim=0) # N, 1, dim next_state_batch =, dim=0) y = torch.Tensor(y) try: assert current_state_batch.shape[1] == next_state_batch.shape[1] == self.emb_pos.shape[1] == \ self.emb_neg.shape[1] except AssertionError as e: print(current_state_batch.shape) print(next_state_batch.shape) print(self.emb_pos.shape) print(self.emb_neg.shape) print('Wrong format.') print(e) raise assert current_state_batch.shape[2] == next_state_batch.shape[2] == self.emb_pos.shape[2] == self.emb_neg.shape[ 2] num_next_states = len(current_state_batch) # Ensure that X has the same data type as parameters of DRILL # batch, 4, dim X =[ current_state_batch, next_state_batch, self.emb_pos.repeat((num_next_states, 1, 1)), self.emb_neg.repeat((num_next_states, 1, 1))], 1) total_loss = 0 if self.verbose > 0: print(f"Experience replay Experiences ({X.shape})", end=" | ") for m in range(self.num_epochs_per_replay): self.optimizer.zero_grad() # zero the gradient buffers # forward: n by 4, dim predicted_q = # loss loss =, y) if self.verbose > 0: print(f"{m} Replay loss: {loss.item():.5f}", end=" | ") total_loss += loss.item() # compute the derivative of the loss w.r.t. the parameters using backpropagation loss.backward() # clip gradients if gradients are killed. =>torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), 0.5) self.optimizer.step() print(f'Avg loss: {total_loss / self.num_epochs_per_replay:0.5f}')
[docs] def get_embeddings_individuals(self, individuals: List[str]) -> torch.FloatTensor: assert isinstance(individuals, list) if len(individuals) == 0: emb = torch.zeros(1, 1, self.embedding_dim) else: if self.df_embeddings is not None: assert isinstance(individuals[0], str) emb = torch.mean(torch.from_numpy(self.df_embeddings.loc[individuals].values, ), dim=0) emb = emb.view(1, 1, self.embedding_dim) else: emb = torch.zeros(1, 1, self.embedding_dim) return emb
[docs] def get_individuals(self, rl_state: RL_State) -> List[str]: return [owl_individual.str.strip() for owl_individual in self.kb.individuals(rl_state.concept)]
[docs] def get_embeddings(self, instances) -> None: if self.representation_mode == 'averaging': # (2) if input node has not seen before, assign embeddings. if rl_state.embeddings is None: assert isinstance(rl_state.concept, OWLClassExpression) # (3) Retrieval instances via our retrieval function (R(C)). Be aware Open World and Closed World rl_state.instances = set(self.kb.individuals(rl_state.concept)) # (4) Retrieval instances in terms of bitset. rl_state.instances_bitset = self.kb.individuals_set(rl_state.concept) # (5) |R(C)|=\emptyset ? if len(rl_state.instances) == 0: # If|R(C)|=\emptyset, then represent C with zeros if self.pre_trained_kge is not None: emb = torch.zeros(1, self.sample_size, self.embedding_dim) else: emb = torch.rand(size=(1, self.sample_size, self.embedding_dim)) else: # If|R(C)| \not= \emptyset, then take the mean of individuals. str_individuals = [i.str for i in rl_state.instances] assert len(str_individuals) > 0 if self.pre_trained_kge is not None: emb = self.pre_trained_kge.get_entity_embeddings(str_individuals) emb = torch.mean(emb, dim=0) emb = emb.view(1, self.sample_size, self.embedding_dim) else: emb = torch.rand(size=(1, self.sample_size, self.embedding_dim)) # (6) Assign embeddings rl_state.embeddings = emb else: """ Embeddings already assigned.""" try: assert rl_state.embeddings.shape == (1, self.sample_size, self.embedding_dim) except AssertionError as e: print(e) print(rl_state) print(rl_state.embeddings.shape) print((1, self.sample_size, self.instance_embeddings.shape[1])) raise else: """ No embeddings available assigned.""""" assert self.representation_mode is None
[docs] def assign_embeddings(self, rl_state: RL_State) -> None: """ Assign embeddings to a rl state. A rl state is represented with vector representation of all individuals belonging to a respective OWLClassExpression. """ assert isinstance(rl_state, RL_State) assert isinstance(rl_state.concept, OWLClassExpression) rl_state.embeddings = self.get_embeddings_individuals(self.get_individuals(rl_state))
[docs] def save_weights(self, path: str = None) -> None: """ Save weights DQL""" if path: pass else: path = f"{self.storage_path}/{}.pth" if isinstance(self.heuristic_func, CeloeBasedReward): print("No saving..") else:, path)
[docs] def exploration_exploitation_tradeoff(self, current_state: AbstractNode, next_states: List[AbstractNode]) -> AbstractNode: """ Exploration vs Exploitation tradeoff at finding next state. (1) Exploration. (2) Exploitation. """ self.assign_embeddings(current_state) if random.random() < self.epsilon: next_state = random.choice(next_states) else: next_state = self.exploitation(current_state, next_states) self.assign_embeddings(next_state) self.compute_quality_of_class_expression(next_state) return next_state
[docs] def exploitation(self, current_state: AbstractNode, next_states: List[AbstractNode]) -> RL_State: """ Find next node that is assigned with highest predicted Q value. (1) Predict Q values : predictions.shape => torch.Size([n, 1]) where n = len(next_states). (2) Find the index of max value in predictions. (3) Use the index to obtain next state. (4) Return next state. """ # predictions: torch.Size([len(next_states)]) predictions: torch.FloatTensor = self.predict_values(current_state, next_states) argmax_id = int(torch.argmax(predictions)) next_state = next_states[argmax_id] return next_state
[docs] def predict_values(self, current_state: RL_State, next_states: List[RL_State]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Predict promise of next states given current state. Returns: Predicted Q values. """ assert len(next_states) > 0 with torch.no_grad(): # create batch batch. next_state_batch = [] for _ in next_states: next_state_batch.append(self.get_embeddings_individuals(self.get_individuals(_))) next_state_batch =, dim=0) x = PrepareBatchOfPrediction(self.get_embeddings_individuals(self.get_individuals(current_state)), next_state_batch, self.emb_pos, self.emb_neg).get_all() predictions = return predictions
[docs] @staticmethod def retrieve_concept_chain(rl_state: RL_State) -> List[RL_State]: hierarchy = deque() if rl_state.parent_node: hierarchy.appendleft(rl_state.parent_node) while hierarchy[-1].parent_node is not None: hierarchy.append(hierarchy[-1].parent_node) hierarchy.appendleft(rl_state) return list(hierarchy)
[docs] def generate_learning_problems(self, num_of_target_concepts, num_learning_problems) -> List[ Tuple[str, Set, Set]]: """ Generate learning problems if none is provided. Time complexity: O(n^2) n = named concepts """ counter = 0 size_of_examples = 3 examples=[] # C: Iterate over all named OWL concepts for i in self.kb.get_concepts(): # Retrieve(C) individuals_i = set(self.kb.individuals(i)) if len(individuals_i)<size_of_examples: continue for j in self.kb.get_concepts(): if i == j: continue str_dl_concept_i = owl_expression_to_dl(i) individuals_j = set(self.kb.individuals(j)) if len(individuals_j) < size_of_examples: continue # Generate Learning problems from a single target for _ in range(num_of_target_concepts): lp = (str_dl_concept_i, set(random.sample(individuals_i, size_of_examples)), set(random.sample(individuals_j, size_of_examples))) examples.append(lp) counter += 1 if counter == num_learning_problems: break if counter == num_learning_problems: break return examples """ # if |Retrieve(C|>3 if len(individuals_i) > size_of_examples: str_dl_concept_i = owl_expression_to_dl(i) for j in self.kb.get_concepts(): if i == j: continue individuals_j = set(self.kb.individuals(j)) if len(individuals_j) > size_of_examples: for _ in range(num_learning_problems): lp = (str_dl_concept_i, set(random.sample(individuals_i, size_of_examples)), set(random.sample(individuals_j, size_of_examples))) yield lp counter += 1 if counter == num_of_target_concepts: break if counter == num_of_target_concepts: break """
[docs] def learn_from_illustration(self, sequence_of_goal_path: List[RL_State]): """ Args: sequence_of_goal_path: ⊤,Parent,Parent ⊓ Daughter. """ current_state = sequence_of_goal_path.pop(0) rewards = [] sequence_of_states = [] while len(sequence_of_goal_path) > 0: self.assign_embeddings(current_state) current_state.length = self.kb.concept_len(current_state.concept) if current_state.quality is None: self.compute_quality_of_class_expression(current_state) next_state = sequence_of_goal_path.pop(0) self.assign_embeddings(next_state) next_state.length = self.kb.concept_len(next_state.concept) if next_state.quality is None: self.compute_quality_of_class_expression(next_state) sequence_of_states.append((current_state, next_state)) rewards.append(self.reward_func.apply(current_state, next_state)) for x in range(2): self.form_experiences(sequence_of_states, rewards) self.learn_from_replay_memory()
[docs] def best_hypotheses(self, n=1, return_node: bool = False) -> Union[OWLClassExpression, List[OWLClassExpression]]: assert self.search_tree is not None, "Search tree is not initialized" assert len(self.search_tree) > 1, "Search tree is empty" result = [] for i, rl_state in enumerate(self.search_tree.get_top_n_nodes(n)): if return_node: result.append(rl_state) else: result.append(rl_state.concept) if len(result) == 1: return result.pop() else: return result
[docs] def clean(self): self.emb_pos, self.emb_neg = None, None self.pos = None self.neg = None self.goal_found = False self.start_time = None self.learning_problem = None if len(self.search_tree) != 0: self.search_tree.clean() try: assert len(self.search_tree) == 0 except AssertionError: print(len(self.search_tree)) raise AssertionError('EMPTY search tree') self._number_of_tested_concepts = 0
[docs] def next_node_to_expand(self) -> RL_State: """ Return a node that maximizes the heuristic function at time t. """ return self.search_tree.get_most_promising()
[docs] def downward_refinement(self, *args, **kwargs): ValueError('downward_refinement')
[docs] def show_search_tree(self, heading_step: str, top_n: int = 10) -> None: assert ValueError('show_search_tree')
[docs] def terminate_training(self): if self.verbose > 0: print("Training is completed..") # Save the weights self.save_weights() with open(f"{self.storage_path}/seen_examples.json", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(self.seen_examples, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) return self
[docs] class DrillHeuristic: """ Heuristic in Convolutional DQL concept learning. Heuristic implements a convolutional neural network. """ def __init__(self, pos=None, neg=None, model=None, mode=None, model_args=None): if model: = model elif mode in ['averaging', 'sampling']: = DrillNet(model_args) self.mode = mode = 'DrillHeuristic_' + self.mode else: raise ValueError
[docs] def score(self, node, parent_node=None): """ Compute heuristic value of root node only""" if parent_node is None and node.is_root: return torch.FloatTensor([.0001]).squeeze() raise ValueError
[docs] def apply(self, node, parent_node=None): """ Assign predicted Q-value to node object.""" predicted_q_val = self.score(node, parent_node) node.heuristic = predicted_q_val
[docs] class DrillNet(torch.nn.Module): """ A neural model for Deep Q-Learning. An input Drill has the following form: 1. Indexes of individuals belonging to current state (s). 2. Indexes of individuals belonging to next state (s_prime). 3. Indexes of individuals provided as positive examples. 4. Indexes of individuals provided as negative examples. Given such input, we from a sparse 3D Tensor where each slice is a **** N *** by ***D*** where N is the number of individuals and D is the number of dimension of embeddings. Given that N on the current benchmark datasets < 10^3, we can get away with this computation. By doing so we do not need to subsample from given inputs. """ def __init__(self, args): super(DrillNet, self).__init__() self.in_channels, self.embedding_dim = args['input_shape'] assert self.embedding_dim self.loss = torch.nn.MSELoss() # Conv1D seems to be faster than Conv2d self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv1d(in_channels=4, out_channels=args['first_out_channels'], kernel_size=args['kernel_size'], padding=1, stride=1, bias=True) # Fully connected layers. self.size_of_fc1 = int(args['first_out_channels'] * self.embedding_dim) self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=self.size_of_fc1, out_features=self.size_of_fc1 // 2) self.fc2 = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=self.size_of_fc1 // 2, out_features=1) self.init()
[docs] def init(self): torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_( torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_(
[docs] def forward(self, X: torch.FloatTensor): """ X n by 4 by d float tensor """ # N x 32 x D X = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.conv1(X)) X = X.flatten(start_dim=1) # N x (32D/2) X = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.fc1(X)) # N x 1 scores = self.fc2(X).flatten() return scores