Source code for ontolearn.lp_generator.helper_classes

from tqdm import tqdm
import random
from rdflib import graph
from ontolearn.knowledge_base import KnowledgeBase
from owlapy.render import DLSyntaxObjectRenderer
from ontolearn.refinement_operators import ExpressRefinement
import os
import json

[docs] class ConceptDescriptionGenerator: """ Learning problem generator. """ def __init__(self, knowledge_base, refinement_operator, depth=2, max_length=10, num_sub_roots=150): self.kb = knowledge_base self.rho = refinement_operator self.depth = depth self.num_sub_roots = num_sub_roots self.max_length = max_length
[docs] def apply_rho(self, concept): return {ref for ref in self.rho.refine(concept, max_length=self.max_length)}
[docs] def generate(self): roots = self.apply_rho(self.kb.generator.thing) Refinements = set() Refinements.update(roots) print("|Thing refinements|: ", len(roots)) roots_sample = random.sample(list(roots), k=self.num_sub_roots) print("Size of sample: ", len(roots_sample)) for root in tqdm(roots_sample, desc="Refining roots..."): Refinements.update(self.apply_rho(root)) return Refinements
[docs] class RDFTriples: """The knowledge graph/base is converted into triples of the form: individual_i ---role_j---> concept_k or individual_i ---role_j---> individual_k and stored in a txt file for the computation of embeddings.""" def __init__(self, kb_path, storage_dir=None): """ Args - kb_path: path to the owl file representing the knowledge base/ontology - storage_dir: directory in which to store the data to be generated. Not the directory needs not to exists, it would be created automatically """ self.Graph = graph.Graph() self.Graph.parse(kb_path) self.kb_path = kb_path if storage_dir is None: self.storage_dir = self.kb_path[:self.kb_path.rfind("/")] else: self.storage_dir = storage_dir
[docs] def export_triples(self, export_folder_name='triples'): os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.storage_dir, export_folder_name), exist_ok=True) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.storage_dir, export_folder_name, "train.txt")): print("\n*** Embedding triples exist ***\n") return None train_file = open("%s/train.txt" % os.path.join(self.storage_dir, export_folder_name), mode="w") for s, p, o in self.Graph: s = s.expandtabs()[s.expandtabs().rfind("/")+1:] p = p.expandtabs()[p.expandtabs().rfind("/")+1:] o = o.expandtabs()[o.expandtabs().rfind("/")+1:] if s and p and o: train_file.write(s+"\t"+p+"\t"+o+"\n") train_file.close() print("*********************Finished exporting triples*********************\n")
[docs] class KB2Data: """ This class takes an owl file, loads it into a knowledge base using ontolearn.knowledge_base.KnowledgeBase. A refinement operator is used to generate a large number of concepts, from which we filter and retain the shortest non-redundant concepts. We export each concept and its instances (eventually positive and negative examples) into a json file. """ def __init__(self, path, storage_dir=None, max_num_lps=1000, depth=3, max_child_length=20, refinement_expressivity=0.2, downsample_refinements=True, sample_fillers_count=10, num_sub_roots=50, min_num_pos_examples=1): """ Args - kb_path: path to the owl file representing the knowledge base/ontology - storage_dir: directory in which to store the data to be generated. Not the directory needs not to exists, it would be created automatically - max_num_lps: the maximum number of learning problems to store - depth, max_child_length, refinement_expressivity, sample_fillers_count, num_sub_roots all refer to the size of the data (learning problems) to be generated - downsample_refinements: whether to downsample refinements in ExpressRefinement. If refinement_expressivity<1, this must be set to True """ self.path = path if storage_dir is None: self.storage_dir = f'{self.path[:self.path.rfind("/")]}/LPs/' else: self.storage_dir = storage_dir self.max_num_lps = max_num_lps self.dl_syntax_renderer = DLSyntaxObjectRenderer() self.kb = KnowledgeBase(path=path) self.num_examples = self.find_optimal_number_of_examples() self.min_num_pos_examples = min_num_pos_examples atomic_concepts = frozenset(self.kb.ontology.classes_in_signature()) self.atomic_concept_names = frozenset([self.dl_syntax_renderer.render(a) for a in atomic_concepts]) rho = ExpressRefinement(knowledge_base=self.kb, max_child_length=max_child_length, sample_fillers_count=sample_fillers_count, downsample=downsample_refinements, use_inverse=False, use_card_restrictions=False, use_numeric_datatypes=False, use_time_datatypes=False, use_boolean_datatype=False, expressivity=refinement_expressivity) self.lp_gen = ConceptDescriptionGenerator(knowledge_base=self.kb, refinement_operator=rho, depth=depth, num_sub_roots=num_sub_roots)
[docs] def find_optimal_number_of_examples(self): if self.kb.individuals_count() >= 600: return min(self.kb.individuals_count()//2, 1000) return self.kb.individuals_count()
[docs] def generate_descriptions(self): print() print("#"*60) print("Started generating data on the "+self.path.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0]+" knowledge base") print("#"*60) print() All_individuals = set(self.kb.individuals()) print("Number of individuals in the knowledge base: {} \n".format(len(All_individuals))) Concepts = self.lp_gen.generate() non_redundancy_hash_map = dict() show_some_length = True for concept in tqdm(sorted(Concepts, key=lambda c: self.kb.concept_len(c)), desc="Filtering process..."): if not self.kb.individuals_set(concept) in non_redundancy_hash_map and \ self.min_num_pos_examples <= self.kb.individuals_count(concept): non_redundancy_hash_map[self.kb.individuals_set(concept)] = concept else: continue if len(non_redundancy_hash_map) >= self.max_num_lps: break print("Concepts generation done!\n") print("Number of atomic concepts: ", len(self.atomic_concept_names)) print("Longest concept length: ", max({l for l in [self.kb.concept_len(c) for c in non_redundancy_hash_map.values()]}), "\n") print("Total number of concepts: ", len(non_redundancy_hash_map), "\n") self.train_concepts = list(non_redundancy_hash_map.values()) print("Data generation completed") return self
[docs] def sample_examples(self, pos, neg): if min(len(pos), len(neg)) >= self.num_examples//2: if len(pos) > len(neg): num_neg_ex = self.num_examples//2 num_pos_ex = self.num_examples-num_neg_ex else: num_pos_ex = self.num_examples//2 num_neg_ex = self.num_examples-num_pos_ex elif len(pos) > len(neg): num_neg_ex = len(neg) num_pos_ex = self.num_examples-num_neg_ex elif len(pos) < len(neg): num_pos_ex = len(pos) num_neg_ex = self.num_examples-num_pos_ex positive = random.sample(pos, min(num_pos_ex, len(pos))) negative = random.sample(neg, min(num_neg_ex, len(neg))) return positive, negative
[docs] def save_data(self): data = dict() for concept in tqdm(self.train_concepts, desc="Sample examples and save data..."): pos = set(self.kb.individuals(concept)) neg = set(self.kb.individuals())-pos if len(neg) == 0: continue pos = [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in pos] neg = [ind.str.split("/")[-1] for ind in neg] positive, negative = self.sample_examples(pos, neg) concept_name = self.dl_syntax_renderer.render(concept.get_nnf()) data[concept_name] = {'positive examples': positive, 'negative examples': negative} data = list(data.items()) os.makedirs(self.storage_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(f'{self.storage_dir}/LPs.json', 'w') as file_train: json.dump(dict(data), file_train, indent=3, ensure_ascii=False) print(f'Data saved at {self.storage_dir}')